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cant browse samba shares since hardy upgrade

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    cant browse samba shares since hardy upgrade

    I have a home server running gutsy sharing folders and printers to mixed windows/Linux network via samba. my windows machines and machines running fiesty can access this server and each other with no problems.

    I upgraded one of my machines to kubuntu Hardy. Since the upgrade, this particular machine cannot browse the network with dolphin and cannot mount any samba shares with SMB4K. I can mount windows shares in Smb4k. another odd thing is that If enter the IP address of the home server into dolphin. it shows me the list of shares on the server but I cannot open them.

    I have reviewed the smb.cfg file and compared it to to my other working machines on the network. all seems to be in order.

    Any ideas

    Re: cant browse samba shares since hardy upgrade

    It happened to me too.

    I have tried reinstalling Samba and still the same.

    When I open Samba panel i Kcontrol I can not enter the workgroup name because the Administrator buttom is not there ?


      Re: cant browse samba shares since hardy upgrade

      Are both of you running KDE4? I have that problem with KDE4 Hardy on my Desktop. I don't have KDE3.5.9 Hardy installed on anything, but do have 3.5.9 Gutsy on my laptop. I have no problems on the laptop. I also have intermittent problems with other machines seeing the shares on the KDE4 hardy.

