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Eclipse 3.3 Scanner weird behavior

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    Eclipse 3.3 Scanner weird behavior

    I have been using Kubuntu 7.10 for some time with a fully functional Eclipse 3.3 and CDT, downloaded from the main Eclipse site. I formatted my HD and installed Kubuntu 8.04. After that, Eclipse is showing a weird behavior.

    Besides the known ".mozilla/eclipse" bug, which is easily fixable, my Eclipse cannot index default system include folders. I noticed that when I create a new C or C++ project, the Scanner Discovery do not discover these folders (you can see them going to project properties -> c/c++ general -> paths and symbols, they are the built-in folders).

    I did some research and found this pdf (link below) which had the exact command the scanner should use to discover these folders. I tested the command and it runs fine in my system, giving the exact expected output. The weird thing is that the same command is used to discover built-in defined symbols and that works fine.

    Now, the same pdf shows some highlighted text which i guess the scanner looks for when parsing the command output. The only real diference is that my output is in portuguese, and that may be causing this misbehavior.

    I've been working on this issue since I installed 8.04. I think I have already unsuccessfully tried everything else i could to make it work, except install kubuntu in english. I surely don't wanna do that just to check my theory (i don't know the language of my previous install) so i could use some thoughts. Am I missing anything? Has anyone experienced this behavior?

    best regards and sorry for my n00bish english XD

    Re: Eclipse 3.3 Scanner weird behavior

    yep, the problem is gcc in different languages than english.


