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X takes all of CPU on log out, shutdown

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    X takes all of CPU on log out, shutdown

    I just upgraded to Hardy a few days ago. Now whenever I log out or shutdown from KDE/KDM X just goes to a black screen. I managed to find out X was using almost 100% of the CPU. Using shutdown -h now from virtual terminal instead of through a GUI shuts the computer down cleanly. Any ideas on what the problem is?


    Re: X takes all of CPU on log out, shutdown

    I had the same problem on gutsy: black screen at shutdown and cpu fan working like a crazy (cpu usage?)
    in my case was related with fglrx module and dkms. At boot time i had an error/warning message by dkms, it said "fglrx already installed on this kernel", i managed removing the message and the problem went with it.
    but of course i don't know wether this may be your case ....


      Re: X takes all of CPU on log out, shutdown

      Hi, I upgraded to Hardy few hours ago and i have the same problem, the system freezes at shutdown to a black screen and Xorg uses 100% cpu. Using shutdown -h now works fine.
      I don't have any idea what this may be due to. please help..


        Re: X takes all of CPU on log out, shutdown

        Yamiddu, How did you remove the message?

        I have the same problem, so I'm very interested in your response.


          Re: X takes all of CPU on log out, shutdown

          Hi mjtolsma,
          I actually don't remember the exact procedure cause some time has passed since i did it, and moreover i don't have a clear understanding of what dkms is and how it works.
          This said, i believe that dkms (dynamic kernel module support) was telling the kernel to load the fglrx driver through one of its config files, not knowing that the driver had already been loaded.
          One thing you can do is: remove the fglrx driver (e.g. using envy, it sets your driver to vesa automatically and configures xorg.conf, safe). This done, there's no reason to have fglrx config files in your system. So you can look for all those files related to dkms and fglrx; e.g. with this command
          locate dkms | grep fglrx
          and, if u reasonably think it's a safe thing, delete them. Then you can reinstall fglrx and see if smthing has changed.
          This is all i can suggest you, hope it helps.


            Re: X takes all of CPU on log out, shutdown

            I hate to bump and old thread, but here is the solution that worked for me.

            I recently upgraded to Hardy Heron, installed Envy and everything was great... Until I applied several updates including the new kernel image 2.6.24-21. After the updates, the boot would hang as the X-server was started. Just before the hang, the message "flgrx already installed on this kernel" would flash a couple times.

            I restarted into the "recovery" mode for that kernel and chose "repair X-server" then continued the boot as normal. Viola! The machine will boot and the Envy driver appears to have been reset or removed (not sure which yet).

            I haven't tried to re-apply the driver yet but at least it is booting now.

