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Amarok taking up far too much cpu resources

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    Amarok taking up far too much cpu resources

    After a largely uneventful upgrade to hardy I find that amarok now maxes out one of my cpu cores everytime I skip to a new track in the playlist. The whole thing will freeze up for a few seconds and htop reads it as using 100% of my cpu on core one, then it'll finally start not being sucky again. Not sure what to say besides wtf

    Re: Amarok taking up far too much cpu resources

    Here's another weird thing about its behavior. it's always trying to update. it has that little update bar at the bottom goes all the way to 98%, then stops. stays like that for a long while, and then starts the whole update process all over again.


      Re: Amarok taking up far too much cpu resources

      So with the latest update installed, it now goes all the way to 100%...Before starting all over and doing the same thing while continually maxing out my resources.


        Re: Amarok taking up far too much cpu resources

        If you have a large collection, maybe it is attempting to "build the database" again. How long have you let it sit untouched while it consumes all your resources? I've noticed that if I point a new installation of Amarok at my collection of a few hundred tracks, everything slows down for a while, until it builds the index.


          Re: Amarok taking up far too much cpu resources

          It's not a very large collection. A total of a little more than 6000 tracks. I've seen it rebuild the entire database in a minute or two and be finished. No extra redos of building more multiple times or anything. And sure as hell no freezing while it was doing it. Of course that was back when it was actually working well. Right now it's rebuilding again, and I click it in the task manager to bring it up, you know what it does? Brings up a blank screen that says Amarok at the top. Let it sit for five minutes and it MIGHT redraw the screen, if it's not too busy rebuilding a database it's already built 15 times today.

          This is completely unacceptable and I have no idea what to do. I've got so much valuable metadata and amarok playlists stored in there, I don't want to lose it all, but it's unusable like this.


            Re: Amarok taking up far too much cpu resources

            Probably all your metadata, and definitely all your playlists are stored in the folder
            so you can back them up and then try messing around with it if you like.
            So far this looks to be a fairly isolated case (at least noone else has replied to this thread with same issue and I know it hasn't happened to me) so a mess about may fix it.


              Re: Amarok taking up far too much cpu resources

              I'll give it a shot. What do you say to something like copying that folder, backing up the music directory, reinstalling amarok and then moving the metadata folder back into its original location?

              My only thoughts on what might be the matter were maybe permissions on certain files in the collection. Since many of the tracks are from all over the net and I don't go checking permissions on them before moving into the musics folder. Does anyone know how amarok handles files in its database that it doesn't have permissions to view?


                Re: Amarok taking up far too much cpu resources

                It's fixed now. I backed up that directory at /home/username/.kde/share/apps/amarok/ and then I deleted the collection.db file. After that it rebuilt and actually finished scanning the database this time.

                Thanks for the help


                  Re: Amarok taking up far too much cpu resources

                  Originally posted by molloollom
                  It's fixed now. I backed up that directory at /home/username/.kde/share/apps/amarok/ and then I deleted the collection.db file. After that it rebuilt and actually finished scanning the database this time.

                  Thanks for the help
                  Thanks for posting the solution -- this could help someone else in the future.


                    Re: Amarok taking up far too much cpu resources

                    I had been having a similar problem, but I'd just disabled the auto checking for new stuff in the folders my collection lived in, and it seemed to make it manageable again. I'll have to give your solution a go, and see if it'll let me leave the auto checking on again. Thanks.

