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devices not showed on the desktop

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    devices not showed on the desktop

    I've the very annoying problem, devices aren't showed on the desktop at the startup;
    They are showed only when I insert a CD, or plug-in a USB drive.

    I had this problem also with Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy;
    With 7.10 I resolved modifying file /usr/share/services/kded/mediamanager.desktop, changing X-KDE-Kded-phase value from 1 to 0.
    But now, with Kubuntu 8.04 this trick doesn't work.

    So what can I do?
    Does anyone solved this?

    Thank you in advance.

    Re: devices not showed on the desktop

    I did it like this:

    First go to your 'System Settings' and then to the 'Advanced tab' and choose 'Filesystem' (sorry I'm right now under Windows, you may have to search a bit as I don't know the exact name).

    There you have to activate the 'Administrator Mode' and then you have to create the links to your partitions end enable them (/media/sda3 as an example and check the checkbox for 'autostart').

    After you did that you just right click on your desktop, choose 'Create New', 'Device' and then choose the appropriate one.

    Tell me if that's not clear enough and I write again as soon I'm back in my HH.


      Re: devices not showed on the desktop

      Unfortunately, this solution doesn't work well.
      Infact if I manually create devices, then, when I insert a CD or plug-in an USB drive, suddenly appear all devices icon; So, after this, I've duplicated device icons on my desktop.

      With Kubuntu 7.10, I solved this problem by modifyng the file mediamanager.desktop, changing the X-KDED-Phase value from 1 to 0.
      But now this trick doesn't work anymore.

      It's a very frustrating problem.

      Thank you anyway.


        Re: devices not showed on the desktop

        You don't have to do this for removable devices only for harddrive partitions. Please have a look at the attachment. Maybe there is something wrong? Note: my sda8 is a Truecrypt partition (encrypted) and therefore not automatically mounted.
        Attached Files


          Re: devices not showed on the desktop

          hi squirrel,
          yes I've done all, as you say.
          I've set the right options in Systems->Settings->Advanced->Drive managment.

          But the problem is this:

          Suppose I manually create device on the desktop for my partitions (sda1, sda5,sdb5,sda7).
          So I've 4 devices icon on the desktop.
          This works fine, and I can access all partitions in read/write mode.

          But, if now, I insert CD or DVD, or USB, suddenly all devices icon appear on the desktop.
          Now, as I've already created the 4 devices icon on the desktop, I have 2 icon for the same devices on the desktop.

          I hope it's clear.
          Excuse me for my english.
          I'm italian.

          Thank you very much, again.


            Re: devices not showed on the desktop

            I see what you mean. I run into trouble yesterday, too.

            My 'solution' is NOT to create links to removable devices, such as: DVD, CD, USB, Flash, Camera, etc.
            It get's mounted automatically if you insert a removable device and creates an icon on the desktop.

            But I have an issue too. If I insert a DVD before I boot my PC, it doesn't create this icon on the desktop. Can somebody experienced jump into this thread and clear things up?

