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Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

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    Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

    I decided today to try the new Hardy 8.04, and I thought I might try KDE4 as well. So I downloaded the KDE4 remix.
    My main system is Kubuntu 7.10, so I installed 8.04 on another, newly created, partition. I kept my
    /home partition because I want to have all my data and documents in 8.04, in case I like it and want it to become my "main system".
    The install process went fine, but the resulting OS is unusable.

    First (huge) problem: I can't configure the network card. There is a KNetworkManager icon on the tray, but "Manual configuration" doesn't work. It doesn't open any windows. If invoked from a console, it gives an error message. So I can't download updates or packages, or search the forums from 8.04.

    Second problem: If I go to System Settings, I get no "Administrator mode" button, so I can't change any settings.

    Third, I can't find a way to move things around on the panel. I removed by mistake the "K" menu launcher, and when I inserted it again, it went to the far right of the panel, and I couldn't find a way to move it back.
    And, still about the Panel, if I change the size to "tiny" and then to "normal" again, I get ugly artifacts and a strange offset on the panel itself.

    I don't know if I got a dud install, or if KDE4 just isn't stable enough yet, but I would at least need to have the network going, to have any chance of updating the system and setup any important missing packages... Any hints?
    Of course I don't want to ruin my working system (I have to work with this computer) so I don't want to start modifying important files in my /home, in case that could break my KDE3-Gutsy!

    Thanks for any help,

    Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

    Originally posted by Quaxo76
    ... can't configure the network card. There is a KNetworkManager icon on the tray...

    Third, I can't find a way to move things around on the panel. I removed by mistake the "K" menu launcher, and when I inserted it again, it went to the far right of the panel, and I couldn't find a way to move it back....
    Same problems here with KNetworkManager... as for the panel, the only thing I have found to work is adding the task manager, pager, system tray clock, etc. again and deleting the originals, thus "moving" the application launcher over to where it started.


      Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

      Same problem here !!!!


        Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

        same here... sudo and kdesu seem to be broken...


          Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

          Originally posted by Quaxo76
          Third, I can't find a way to move things around on the panel. I removed by mistake the "K" menu launcher, and when I inserted it again, it went to the far right of the panel, and I couldn't find a way to move it back.
          You can drag widgets from the "add new widget" window to their correct place. So, remove widget, then drag it to the correct spot instead of clicking the "add widget" button which inserts stuff at the far right or even just on your desktop.

          It's a bit clunky at first and still needs work but I think Plasma has huge potential.


            Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

            I also belive on KDE4, but I think that still needs some time. Apart of many bugs which you face while you're using it, I guess that many people feels weird not be able to use the desktop just as any other folder, like we've been using for years here, on Gnome, on Windows... But that's just a minnor problem which we will get used to, I guess. I know that many people already use the desktop basically to fill it with weather widgets, RSSs... But many of us love using it to do the "dirty" things .

            Anyway, I hope we can see KDE4 evolute to a more or less stable point soon, because I'm unable to start with KDE3 again knowing that it will be abandoned someday and all my configurations won't work.

            PD: By the way, I also miss more options in the bottom panel and its widgets, such as synchronizing the clock via NTP, choosing the font size, hidding it, adding more panels...


              Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

              Originally posted by Amarth
              You can drag widgets from the "add new widget" window to their correct place. So, remove widget, then drag it to the correct spot instead of clicking the "add widget" button ...
              :sigh: Let me just go crawl into a corner and cry. Thanks.


                Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

                I installed the KDE4 version as I was happily using it in 7.10, but last night I added 3.5.9 desktop due to the icons issue in part, but mainly the sudo/ kdesudo problem :/

                I'll try 4 again after the next update.


                  Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

                  I had a similar problem. My problem was that there was a package that was not installed by default. I can't remember the name, but it was something like java-openoffice-common. You can do a search in adept to find it. After I installed it, everything worked great. Just a tip in case the above suggestions don't work for you.



                    Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

                    Originally posted by KoRnholio8
                    same here... sudo and kdesu seem to be broken...
                    sudo works for me in Konsole. Use kdesudo instead of kdesu.
                    Kubuntu 9.10<br />


                      Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

                      Originally posted by Quaxo76
                      Second problem: If I go to System Settings, I get no "Administrator mode" button, so I can't change any settings.
                      I think that's a bug. You can get into Administrator mode to start System Settings via kdesudo
                      Press Alt+F2, type in
                      kdesudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettings
                      Third, I can't find a way to move things around on the panel. I removed by mistake the "K" menu launcher, and when I inserted it again, it went to the far right of the panel, and I couldn't find a way to move it back.
                      And, still about the Panel, if I change the size to "tiny" and then to "normal" again, I get ugly artifacts and a strange offset on the panel itself.
                      I managed to ruin my desktop as well. I got a fresh desktop by removing .kde and .kde4 directories in my home directory. Logout, restart X server and log in again, and you should have the original desktop again, which of course you can start messing up again

                      But in light you use the same home-directory for KDE3-Gutsy, that may not be too well advice, because that would return your KDE3 desktop to default as well (amongst other things). Reasonably you could try to only remove .kde4, but I haven't tried that.
                      Kubuntu 9.10<br />


                        Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

                        Originally posted by Quaxo76

                        First (huge) problem: I can't configure the network card. There is a KNetworkManager icon on the tray, but "Manual configuration" doesn't work. It doesn't open any windows. If invoked from a console, it gives an error message. So I can't download updates or packages, or search the forums from 8.04.
                        There is a lot of information here, but still no answer to this problem, which seems to be quite common...

                        Does anyone know how to fix this?


                          Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

                          This bug report might get you somewhere:


                            Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

                            If I understood it, it might help. I'm getting pretty close to ditching 8.04 for 7.10


                              Re: Fresh 8.04-KDE4 almost unusable

                              do you have any way of installing the kde3 version of knetworkmanager? It doesn't sound like it....but maybe there is a way.

