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KDE 3 tray: icon in one line instead of two when desktop effects are enabled

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    KDE 3 tray: icon in one line instead of two when desktop effects are enabled

    Few days ago I installed hardy on FSC laptop. There are some great improvements i like very much.
    However, when desktop effects (compiz) are enabled system tray icons are dispayed in one row instead of two. If you run skype, kontact, amarok, any bluetooh device allmoust half of taskbar space are waisted because of system tray.

    Anybody have same problem?
    Any workaround?
    Is it bug? (I've haven't found anything about this issue in launchpad)

    Re: KDE 3 tray: icon in one line instead of two when desktop effects are enabled

    it is one of those things that has been present in KDE concerning compiz for a long time now, and off the top of my head, I don't think there is a fix for this. you might try tweaking the panel size up or down a few pixels to see if that helps

    maybe a search in compiz's forums may turn something up as well. Compiz is heavily developed around the Gnome desktop primarily, so it is often hard to wade through web searches to find info on KDE specific issues


      Re: KDE 3 tray: icon in one line instead of two when desktop effects are enabled

      Resizing panel really worked. Until I restart of system

      Yea Its quite clear that compiz is designed for gnome not for KDE. At least developers really made icons appear in tray not somewhere in top of desktop. I think there is no reason to waste time on making compiz- kicker work together in last kde3 distribution.
      In kde4 plasma-kwin works fine. Waiting for KDE4.1 and kubuntu 8.10


        Re: KDE 3 tray: icon in one line instead of two when desktop effects are enabled

        Was playing around panel size. I put panels to 52 pixels and loggout-loggin to desktop and everything now is fine.
        One more question- now I have 4 instead of 2 displays in pager. wtf?


          Re: KDE 3 tray: icon in one line instead of two when desktop effects are enabled

          Originally posted by dumas33
          One more question- now I have 4 instead of 2 displays in pager. wtf?
          That's because kwin and compiz handle virtual desktops differently.

          You can use a compiz-friendly pager by installing 'kicker-compiz' package, after which you'll have two pagers available in the 'Add applet' dialog. Replace your existing pager with the 'compiz' version.


            Re: KDE 3 tray: icon in one line instead of two when desktop effects are enabled

            It was not case with Virtual desktops. I deleted 2 lines in /home/xxxxx/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini dealing with desktops and everything went fine.

