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Unable to change scree resolution using system-settings (Hardy Heron - KDE4)

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    Unable to change scree resolution using system-settings (Hardy Heron - KDE4)

    The display module in system-settings shows me the current resolution correctly and the drop down also allows the resolution value to be changed, but the "ok" and "apply" buttons are grayed out and I am unable to change the resolution. Currently using KDE4 at 800x600
    Any pointers or clues on how to fix this. The packages have been update regularly.

    Re: Unable to change scree resolution using system-settings (Hardy Heron - KDE4)

    Same here. I have seen this complain several times, but no solution.


      Re: Unable to change scree resolution using system-settings (Hardy Heron - KDE4)

      Does krandrtray work?
      I am running Ubuntu 8.10 (yes Gnome) with upgrades applied daily about 0900 UK time. Hardware is Dell Precision 420, 2x 800 MHz PIII, 512 MB RDRAM, nVidia GeForce 6800 128 MB AGP graphics, 18GB SCSI and 500GB IDE HDDs, DVD burner, Hauppage TV card.


        Re: Unable to change scree resolution using system-settings (Hardy Heron - KDE4)

        Try this: During reboot check out if grub displays previous version of the kernel. It is possible when upgrading from 7.10 Load OS using it. Ubuntu will load the old vesrion of xorg.conf too. Reboot again this time loading the new kernel version. Check the xorg.conf file. It must be the old version where you can specify your favorite resolution and correct driver. Sorry for my english - not my native language.


          Re: Unable to change scree resolution using system-settings (Hardy Heron - KDE4)

          Firstly apologies for replying so late, I was unwell and without access to e-mail.

          Hi cantab,
          Ran 'krandrtray' and it just blacked out my screen for a few minutes, not sure what is the expected output/result.

          Hi Jolito,
          I did not upgrade from an earlier version, this is a fresh install. I have manually modified the xorg.conf to get a decent resolution, but still I am unable to modify the resolution on the fly which is quite annoying.


            Re: Unable to change scree resolution using system-settings (Hardy Heron - KDE4)

            Are there any debug options that I can enable to figure out what is going wrong with system-settings, Also what is the specific project that under which the system-settings tool is developed. I am willing to spend some time (sifting through logs or use gdb) to fix the issue. Any pointers in this regard are welcome.


              Re: Unable to change scree resolution using system-settings (Hardy Heron - KDE4)

              I should have remembered it before! *bangs head against wall*

              Check in your xorg.conf for any lines like the following
              Section "device" #
                  Identifier   "device1"
                  Boardname    "NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)"
                  Busid      "PCI:1:0:0"
                  [b]Driver     "nvidia"[/b]
                  Screen 0
                  Vendorname   "NVIDIA"
              If next to the driver it says "vesa", that is your problem - the vesa driver doesn't support resizing (or at least didn't when I last tried). You need to find out what your graphics card is and then use the relevant driver specifically for it. KDE may be able to help you with this, then again it may get it wrong.

              For reference, krandtray should put an icon in the system tray (looks like a blue rectangle with a diagonal double-headed arrow). Clicking it brings up a list of resolutions, clicking one of them switches to it.
              I am running Ubuntu 8.10 (yes Gnome) with upgrades applied daily about 0900 UK time. Hardware is Dell Precision 420, 2x 800 MHz PIII, 512 MB RDRAM, nVidia GeForce 6800 128 MB AGP graphics, 18GB SCSI and 500GB IDE HDDs, DVD burner, Hauppage TV card.


                Re: Unable to change scree resolution using system-settings (Hardy Heron - KDE4)

                Hi Cantab,
                The graphics card is Intel X3100 and though I am not sure about the driver (I haven't yet looked in xorg.conf). But the krandrtray did run after blanking out the screen for a few seconds, though changing the resolution using this tool has bad effects, basically kwin crashes out after catching a SIGABRT
                So now I will try to figure out why that happens.

                Thanks for all the help
                - Harshad


                  Re: Unable to change scree resolution using system-settings (Hardy Heron - KDE4)


                  Has anybody found a solution the problem described above?
                  I am using the exact same graphic card as htoke, and I am having the exact same problem in KDE4.


