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Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

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    Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

    Hi Fintan

    thanks once more

    My euphoria was short lived.... while the openbravo installation went through,
    I got into trouble invoking openbravo
    was eternally loading.. ... in firefox (3 beta5 )

    I checked out troubleshooting tomcat... and found everything was in place.
    Before the openbravo installation, opening localhost:8180 gave the tomcat initial page.
    After the openbravo installation, localhost:8180 itself was taking eternal time to load
    (and did not succeed in loading)

    Yes, I look forward to help....



      Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

      Hi Fintan and all

      Finally, I could get my tomcat5.5 to run properly - there was some user authentication
      problem. Getting the passwords and the lines in tomcat-users.xml right helped.

      The <user username=<your-logged-in-username>..... > should be after the <user username=tomcat...>

      somehow the sequence seems important....

      In addition, the tomcat logs are logged in syslog file (I was all the while looking for it in
      /var/log/tomcat5.5 area and found none). This gives vital clues.

      Also I had did a chmod of openbravo.war file (from root:root) to tomcat55:users in the
      /var/lib/tomcat5.5/webapps folder (The openbravo folder in it was already with this setup.

      thanks once more fintan... excellent how-to.
      Yes, am now able to see openbravo jsp page in my browser...



        Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

        We are obviously a few hours apart

        Glad you got that sorted as well.
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04


          Success! In installing and working with openbravo.

          The final learnings:
          a) Follow the installation of the environment components to the dot. Do NOT even
          b) Share the pitfalls.

          I used netbeans (JDK1.7.0) installed prior to this open bravo effort - and this proved to
          be a wrong assumption to make - in fact, openbravo installation gladly uses this - but
          this was not system wide and therefore tomcat had problems

          Also, when I installed ant through adept manager, it automatically pulls in java-gcj (gnu version)
          and installs it systemwide. All because the java-6-sun was not installed.

          I did a full check, installed java-6-sun though I had java-gcj and jdk1.7.0. I also had to
          use 'update-alternatives-java' command to make this sun version the systemwide default.

          Next, I reinstalled tomcat... and then openbravo.
          The installation and the deployment worked without any problems!

          thanks to all for patiently putting up with my (clueless) postings....



            Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

            Dear professionals,

            I used the here under mentioned command /home/username/bashrc:

            nothing came out

            Pls help me out. I found out this forum now. Doing for months to try to get install open bravo..

            would be nice that for dummies like me all commands in sequence will be given precisely

            anyway thanks for reading and for help if possible.


            Java & Tomcat:

            Open up :

            and these lines at the end. They tell tomcat whre java is and Openbravo where tomcat is.

            export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-

            ## for openbravo
            export CLASSPATH=/usr/share/tomcat5.5/common/lib/jsp-api.jar:/usr/share/tomcat5.5/common/lib/servlet-api.jar

            export ANT_HOME

            Save and relogg back in to activate.


              Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04


              For months I am trying to get install OpenBravo on my laptop

              I followed instructions on the "official" OpenBravo-page but all in vain.

              I would like to request to you to give the codes needed to be typed (copy-paste) to get the OpenBravo installed.

              Your messages are for me quite technical. I am ignorant in this discipline.

              Especially the config that needs addition and change is quite complex for me.

              I only use this for own use: localhost ------so no networking--

              Pls if you have time and opportunity and of course the willing pls give the codes in sequence -- with the necessary changes and additions in config-files (indeed config?).

              Thank u in advance.



                Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

                Sorry for the missunderstanding there is a Typo in my How-to. I have corrected it today.

                This line:
                Open up :

                and these lines at the end. They tell tomcat whre java is and Openbravo where tomcat is.
                should read:
                Open up :

                add these lines at the end. They tell tomcat whre java is and Openbravo where tomcat is.
                again sorry for the confusion.
                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10


                  Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

                  Thank you Fintan for the correction.

                  I will try this.

                  How to block postgresql 8.3? Can I block in the synaptic manager?

                  How about Apache2.2? Not install

                  And the software called ANT not install also?

                  Is it possible for you to give the commands and the adaptations (config?) in sequence?

                  i know listening port is: 8180

                  and the other port is: 5433 in stead of 5432.

                  Again thank you for your time and effort.



                    Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04


                    I did as you instructed. I get permission denied. Both as root and as user.

                    Pls see what I have done

                    star39@star39-laptop:~$ /home/star39/.bashrc
                    bash: /home/star39/.bashrc: Permission denied
                    star39@star39-laptop:~$ /home/star39@star39-laptop/.bashrc
                    bash: /home/star39@star39-laptop/.bashrc: No such file or directory
                    star39@star39-laptop:~$ sudo -s
                    [sudo] password for star39:
                    root@star39-laptop:~# /home/star39/.bashrc
                    bash: /home/star39/.bashrc: Permission denied



                      Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

                      Try opening up kate (text editor) and navigating to:

                      This file is in your home folder you do not need special permisions.

                      It is a text file.

                      Open that file in kate and edit as described.
                      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                      4 GB Ram
                      Kubuntu 18.10

