I am not very good at writing how-to's so bear with me.
It took a while to figure all of this out as a lot was trial and error :P
An no I haven't found an easier way of doing this
It is easier than it looks. Just take your time and everything in the proper order.
So, someone can come up with a faster way of doing this
Open Bravo is a fully functional Enterprise Management System:
Quote from the openbravo homepage:
But first we have to do a few things.
In this order:
sun-java6-jdk (this will also install: sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin if not already installed)
(note: Openbravo will not work with postgresql 8.3 yet so beware of upgrades!!! The best thing to do is to lock the versions in adept/synaptic)
postgresql 8.2
postgresql-client 8.2
postgresql-contrib 8.2
You can do this with adept/synaptic or sudo apt-get install
Aftre the installations are finished we have to set a few things:
Java & Tomcat:
Open up in kate (or other text editor of your choice) :
add these lines at the end. They tell tomcat whre java is and Openbravo where tomcat is.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
Save and relog back in to activate.
Postgresql 8.2:
We will be setting some passwords and make postgresql usable system wide.
(note: to make things easy give your Kubuntu login password)
(give your password for:%new_PostgreSQL_admin_passowrd%)
exit with:
Now do:
That alters the password for within the database, now we need to do the same for the unix user ‘postgres’:
Now enter the same password that you used previously.
NOw restart postgresql again:
Latest version tomcat 5.5
Open up kate as root (alt+f2->kdesudo kate->password):
This is important because otherwise you will not be able to access openbravo within tomcat!!
leave kdesudo kate open we will be needing it a bit more
Now for some tomcat users tweaking:
Open up /usr/share/tomcat5.5/conf/tomcat-users.xml
If you try to use the admin interface you’ll find you can’t because no admin user has been set up.
To resolve that go into /var/lib/tomcat5/conf and edit tomcat-users.xml.
You’ll see that 3 users have been created by default.
We’re going to change the password of the user “tomcat” (<user username="tomcat" )
to something better than the default of “tomcat”.
Like, for symplicity's sake, your Kubuntu user password
Now we are going to give the user “tomcat” admin, manager and username access.
Add “admin”,"manager", and add the user we use for kubuntu.to the user tag’s roles attribute. It should look similar to this.
<user username="tomcat" password="your_password"roles="tomcat,admin,manage r,yourusername,"/>
now add a Line above tomcat:
<user username="yourusername"password="your_password"
I don't know why this last line is necessary but it works
save. and restart tomcat:
Now for the fun part:
Installing OpenBravo:
Download from here:
Latest version is:
Now open a terminal in the folder you downloaded to:
and do:
to make it executable
an installation wizard will open up and you'll be asked a few questions - answer them as follows.
Note: Instead of hitting enter you can just click on "next"
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/opt/OpenbravoERP) when you're asked for the installation directory.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/opt/OpenbravoERP/AppsOpenbravo/attach) when you're asked for the attachments directory.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (Full (standard) installation) when you're asked for the installation type.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (Full) when you're asked again for the installation type.
* Choose PostgreSQL as database to use.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/usr/) when you're asked for the java home directory.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/usr/share/ant) when you're asked for the Apache ant home directory.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/usr/share/tomcat5.5) when you're asked for the Tomcat installation directory.
* Type in your web server's domain (e.g.: server1.example.com) when you're asked for it. Or leave it at localhost depending on your system
and needs
* Enter "8180" when you're asked for the http port.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (openbravo) when you're asked for the context name.
* Enter "/usr/bin" when you're asked for the directory that contains the PostgreSQL binaries.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (localhost) when you're asked for the database server parameters.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (5432) when you're asked for PostgreSQL's listening port.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (openbravo) when you're asked for the database name.
* Next enter the PostgreSQL admin password (twice) that you created earlier at step 1.2.1.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (tad) when you're asked for the openbravo database user.
* Next type in a password (twice) for the new user.
* Now type in "y" to start the installation - this will take a while...
about 40-60 minutes
Now, just kick back, relax and crack open a nice cold beer or mix a large martini, or what ever.
when all of that is over you should be able to start openbravo fro the descktop icon or from any browser
if you didn't setup a domain.
You may now log into Openbravo with the
username: Openbravo
and the
password: openbravo.
Please note that usernames and passwords are case sensitive.
You will find a user manual here:
Have fun!!
It took a while to figure all of this out as a lot was trial and error :P
An no I haven't found an easier way of doing this
It is easier than it looks. Just take your time and everything in the proper order.
So, someone can come up with a faster way of doing this
Open Bravo is a fully functional Enterprise Management System:
Quote from the openbravo homepage:
It's time to get your ERP!
Openbravo is the leading fully functional integrated web-based open source ERP (enterprise management system) that offers a unique value proposition - a higher value at a lower cost.
Our clients are organisations that have chosen to be the owners of their ERP solution and to only pay for the professional support they really need, when they need it.
If you are looking for a system to manage your business... It's time to get your own ERP!
Openbravo is the leading fully functional integrated web-based open source ERP (enterprise management system) that offers a unique value proposition - a higher value at a lower cost.
Our clients are organisations that have chosen to be the owners of their ERP solution and to only pay for the professional support they really need, when they need it.
If you are looking for a system to manage your business... It's time to get your own ERP!
In this order:
sun-java6-jdk (this will also install: sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin if not already installed)
(note: Openbravo will not work with postgresql 8.3 yet so beware of upgrades!!! The best thing to do is to lock the versions in adept/synaptic)
postgresql 8.2
postgresql-client 8.2
postgresql-contrib 8.2
You can do this with adept/synaptic or sudo apt-get install
Aftre the installations are finished we have to set a few things:
Java & Tomcat:
Open up in kate (or other text editor of your choice) :
add these lines at the end. They tell tomcat whre java is and Openbravo where tomcat is.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
## for openbravo
export CLASSPATH=/usr/share/tomcat5.5/common/lib/jsp-api.jar:/usr/share/tomcat5.5/common/lib/servlet-api.jar
export ANT_HOME
export CLASSPATH=/usr/share/tomcat5.5/common/lib/jsp-api.jar:/usr/share/tomcat5.5/common/lib/servlet-api.jar
export ANT_HOME
Postgresql 8.2:
We will be setting some passwords and make postgresql usable system wide.
(note: to make things easy give your Kubuntu login password)
sudo sed -i 's/ident sameuser$/trust/' /etc/postgresql/8.2/main/pg_hba.conf
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 restart
psql -U postgres
alter role postgres with password '%new_PostgreSQL_admin_passowrd%';
exit with:
sudo sed -i 's/trust$/md5/' /etc/postgresql/8.2/main/pg_hba.conf
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 reload
sudo passwd -d postgres
sudo su postgres -c passwd
NOw restart postgresql again:
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 reload
Latest version tomcat 5.5
Open up kate as root (alt+f2->kdesudo kate->password):
This is important because otherwise you will not be able to access openbravo within tomcat!!
leave kdesudo kate open we will be needing it a bit more
Now for some tomcat users tweaking:
Open up /usr/share/tomcat5.5/conf/tomcat-users.xml
If you try to use the admin interface you’ll find you can’t because no admin user has been set up.
To resolve that go into /var/lib/tomcat5/conf and edit tomcat-users.xml.
You’ll see that 3 users have been created by default.
We’re going to change the password of the user “tomcat” (<user username="tomcat" )
to something better than the default of “tomcat”.
Like, for symplicity's sake, your Kubuntu user password
Now we are going to give the user “tomcat” admin, manager and username access.
Add “admin”,"manager", and add the user we use for kubuntu.to the user tag’s roles attribute. It should look similar to this.
<user username="tomcat" password="your_password"roles="tomcat,admin,manage r,yourusername,"/>
now add a Line above tomcat:
<user username="yourusername"password="your_password"
I don't know why this last line is necessary but it works
save. and restart tomcat:
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart
Installing OpenBravo:
Download from here:
Latest version is:
Now open a terminal in the folder you downloaded to:
and do:
sudo chmod +x OpenbravoERP-2.35-linux-installer.bin
sudo ./OpenbravoERP-2.35-linux-installer.bin
Note: Instead of hitting enter you can just click on "next"
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/opt/OpenbravoERP) when you're asked for the installation directory.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/opt/OpenbravoERP/AppsOpenbravo/attach) when you're asked for the attachments directory.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (Full (standard) installation) when you're asked for the installation type.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (Full) when you're asked again for the installation type.
* Choose PostgreSQL as database to use.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/usr/) when you're asked for the java home directory.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/usr/share/ant) when you're asked for the Apache ant home directory.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/usr/share/tomcat5.5) when you're asked for the Tomcat installation directory.
* Type in your web server's domain (e.g.: server1.example.com) when you're asked for it. Or leave it at localhost depending on your system
and needs
* Enter "8180" when you're asked for the http port.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (openbravo) when you're asked for the context name.
* Enter "/usr/bin" when you're asked for the directory that contains the PostgreSQL binaries.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (localhost) when you're asked for the database server parameters.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (5432) when you're asked for PostgreSQL's listening port.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (openbravo) when you're asked for the database name.
* Next enter the PostgreSQL admin password (twice) that you created earlier at step 1.2.1.
* Hit "Enter" to choose the default (tad) when you're asked for the openbravo database user.
* Next type in a password (twice) for the new user.
* Now type in "y" to start the installation - this will take a while...
about 40-60 minutes
Now, just kick back, relax and crack open a nice cold beer or mix a large martini, or what ever.
when all of that is over you should be able to start openbravo fro the descktop icon or from any browser
if you didn't setup a domain.
You may now log into Openbravo with the
username: Openbravo
and the
password: openbravo.
Please note that usernames and passwords are case sensitive.
You will find a user manual here:
Have fun!!