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Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

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    Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

    I am not very good at writing how-to's so bear with me.

    It took a while to figure all of this out as a lot was trial and error :P

    An no I haven't found an easier way of doing this

    It is easier than it looks. Just take your time and everything in the proper order.
    So, someone can come up with a faster way of doing this

    Open Bravo is a fully functional Enterprise Management System:

    Quote from the openbravo homepage:
    It's time to get your ERP!
    Openbravo is the leading fully functional integrated web-based open source ERP (enterprise management system) that offers a unique value proposition - a higher value at a lower cost.
    Our clients are organisations that have chosen to be the owners of their ERP solution and to only pay for the professional support they really need, when they need it.
    If you are looking for a system to manage your business... It's time to get your own ERP!
    But first we have to do a few things.


    In this order:

    sun-java6-jdk (this will also install: sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin if not already installed)
    (note: Openbravo will not work with postgresql 8.3 yet so beware of upgrades!!! The best thing to do is to lock the versions in adept/synaptic)
    postgresql 8.2
    postgresql-client 8.2
    postgresql-contrib 8.2

    You can do this with adept/synaptic or sudo apt-get install

    Aftre the installations are finished we have to set a few things:

    Java & Tomcat:

    Open up in kate (or other text editor of your choice) :

    add these lines at the end. They tell tomcat whre java is and Openbravo where tomcat is.

    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-

    ## for openbravo
    export CLASSPATH=/usr/share/tomcat5.5/common/lib/jsp-api.jar:/usr/share/tomcat5.5/common/lib/servlet-api.jar

    export ANT_HOME
    Save and relog back in to activate.

    Postgresql 8.2:

    We will be setting some passwords and make postgresql usable system wide.
    (note: to make things easy give your Kubuntu login password)

    sudo sed -i 's/ident sameuser$/trust/' /etc/postgresql/8.2/main/pg_hba.conf
    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 restart
    psql -U postgres

    alter role postgres with password '%new_PostgreSQL_admin_passowrd%';
    (give your password for:%new_PostgreSQL_admin_passowrd%)

    exit with:
    Now do:

    sudo sed -i 's/trust$/md5/' /etc/postgresql/8.2/main/pg_hba.conf

    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 reload
    That alters the password for within the database, now we need to do the same for the unix user ‘postgres’:

    sudo passwd -d postgres

    sudo su postgres -c passwd
    Now enter the same password that you used previously.

    NOw restart postgresql again:
    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 reload
    Latest version tomcat 5.5

    Open up kate as root (alt+f2->kdesudo kate->password):


    This is important because otherwise you will not be able to access openbravo within tomcat!!

    leave kdesudo kate open we will be needing it a bit more

    Now for some tomcat users tweaking:
    Open up /usr/share/tomcat5.5/conf/tomcat-users.xml
    If you try to use the admin interface you’ll find you can’t because no admin user has been set up.
    To resolve that go into /var/lib/tomcat5/conf and edit tomcat-users.xml.
    You’ll see that 3 users have been created by default.
    We’re going to change the password of the user “tomcat” (<user username="tomcat" )
    to something better than the default of “tomcat”.
    Like, for symplicity's sake, your Kubuntu user password
    Now we are going to give the user “tomcat” admin, manager and username access.
    Add “admin”,"manager", and add the user we use for the user tag’s roles attribute. It should look similar to this.

    <user username="tomcat" password="your_password"roles="tomcat,admin,manage r,yourusername,"/>

    now add a Line above tomcat:

    <user username="yourusername"password="your_password"

    I don't know why this last line is necessary but it works

    save. and restart tomcat:
    sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart
    Now for the fun part:

    Installing OpenBravo:
    Download from here:

    Latest version is:

    Now open a terminal in the folder you downloaded to:
    and do:
    sudo chmod +x OpenbravoERP-2.35-linux-installer.bin
    to make it executable


    sudo ./OpenbravoERP-2.35-linux-installer.bin
    an installation wizard will open up and you'll be asked a few questions - answer them as follows.

    Note: Instead of hitting enter you can just click on "next"

    * Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/opt/OpenbravoERP) when you're asked for the installation directory.
    * Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/opt/OpenbravoERP/AppsOpenbravo/attach) when you're asked for the attachments directory.
    * Hit "Enter" to choose the default (Full (standard) installation) when you're asked for the installation type.
    * Hit "Enter" to choose the default (Full) when you're asked again for the installation type.
    * Choose PostgreSQL as database to use.
    * Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/usr/) when you're asked for the java home directory.
    * Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/usr/share/ant) when you're asked for the Apache ant home directory.
    * Hit "Enter" to choose the default (/usr/share/tomcat5.5) when you're asked for the Tomcat installation directory.
    * Type in your web server's domain (e.g.: when you're asked for it. Or leave it at localhost depending on your system
    and needs
    * Enter "8180" when you're asked for the http port.
    * Hit "Enter" to choose the default (openbravo) when you're asked for the context name.
    * Enter "/usr/bin" when you're asked for the directory that contains the PostgreSQL binaries.
    * Hit "Enter" to choose the default (localhost) when you're asked for the database server parameters.
    * Hit "Enter" to choose the default (5432) when you're asked for PostgreSQL's listening port.
    * Hit "Enter" to choose the default (openbravo) when you're asked for the database name.
    * Next enter the PostgreSQL admin password (twice) that you created earlier at step 1.2.1.
    * Hit "Enter" to choose the default (tad) when you're asked for the openbravo database user.
    * Next type in a password (twice) for the new user.
    * Now type in "y" to start the installation - this will take a while...
    about 40-60 minutes

    Now, just kick back, relax and crack open a nice cold beer or mix a large martini, or what ever.

    when all of that is over you should be able to start openbravo fro the descktop icon or from any browser
    if you didn't setup a domain.

    You may now log into Openbravo with the
    username: Openbravo
    and the
    password: openbravo.
    Please note that usernames and passwords are case sensitive.

    You will find a user manual here:

    Have fun!!
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10

    Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 80.04

    Wow -- ERP for Gnu/Linux! Very Cool!

    Thank you Fintan!


      Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

      Your welcome

      Just make sure you have a few beers (martinis) ready for the installation

      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
      4 GB Ram
      Kubuntu 18.10


        Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

        Originally posted by Fintan

        Just make sure you have a few beers (martinis) ready for the installation
        It is enough to observe your excellent work, and enjoy a fine Cabernet Sauvignon while contemplating the excellent possibilities -- there is no necessity to actually soil my hands with the packages.


          Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

          Nicely written. Got to try it myself!


            Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

            Oh wow, thanks for posting this to that other forum... I didn't think to look for kubuntu forum!

            Also, I had something of an easy time installing OB via the command line. The computer we have it on is a server install. Also, we found the Java to be heavy on the CPU. This is not for a low end desktop. We had to upgrade to one of the better AMD cpus. That and 4G of RAM put the load back under 1.

            Originally posted by Fintan
            It takes a while for the learning curve but it works great.
            So, my big question is: can you make other apps share information with it? To me, any program trying to do accounting (and especially more) has to integrate with our php/website infrastructure. I couldn't see a way to pull that off.

            Otherwise, yes, absolutely a slick APP.



              Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04


              Thanks for posting this wonderful HOW-TO.

              I followed all the instructions to the dot.

              When invoking the openbravo linker installer using the command:
              sudo ./OpenbravoERP-2.35-linux-installer.bin
              I am able to go through all the queries asked by the openbravo
              installation until I come to the screen asking me for my
              database server parameter details: database hostname, port and database name
              (defaults of: 'localhost, 5432, openbravo' was used).

              This resulted in the error message:
              "Unable to find a PostgreSQL server running at port 5432, please start your PostgreSQL server."

              On the other hand when I do a
              ps -ef | grep postgres
              I get the following list of active processes:
              root@Ananda:/etc/postgresql/8.2/main# ps -ef | grep postgres
              postgres 9423 1 0 11:07 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/8.2/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/8.2/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/8.2/main/postgresql.conf
              postgres 9429 9423 0 11:07 ? 00:00:00 postgres: writer process
              postgres 9430 9423 0 11:07 ? 00:00:00 postgres: stats collector process
              root 10282 6817 0 11:18 pts/3 00:00:00 grep postgres

              So I restarted the server using the command
              root@Ananda:/var/lib# /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 restart
              * Restarting PostgreSQL 8.2 database server [ OK ]

              Am unable to proceed forth on the last two steps of the openbravo installation....since
              without being able to a postgres server, the installation will not proceed.

              Where could I have gone wrong? Kindly help.

              thanks a ton


                Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

                Thank you for the flowers.

                It has been a while and I am a bit busy right now but to start off, check and make sure that you have no instance of or reference to postgresql 8.3 installed.

                If so remove / purge it / them.

                That is very important. I think I made a similar mistake when first trying to install openbravo and hd to dive into konqueror. :P

                You may have to purge everything postgresql and start over again.

                Let me know how it goes.
                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10


                  Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

                  Wonderful Fintan - Thanks a ton!

                  Your intuitive guess was good! I had indeed installed postgresql 8.3 and was struggling to
                  get it up and running wherein I came across your post that warned that openbravo 2.35 will
                  not work with postgresql 8.3 - yes, later I went thru the's 2.3 installation
                  manual that mentioned it in 'fine print'.

                  I had removed postgresql 8.3 via adept manager but it still allowed certain files to be there
                  - specifically, in /var/lib/postgresql/8.3 and /etc/postgesql/8.3. I did a chmod 000 on these
                  two folders can access! (the other two folders where it existed - /usr/share/postgresql/8.3
                  and /usr/lib/postgresql/8.3 was found deleted).

                  I also deleted /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 file

                  Yet, the error message:" Unable to find a PostgreSQL server running at port 5432, please start your PostgreSQL server" comes thru.

                  I addition I have observed the following problem pattern:
                  root@Ananda:/# psql -U postgres
                  psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"
                  root@Ananda:/# su postgres
                  postgres@Ananda:/$ psql -U postgres
                  Welcome to psql 8.2.7, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

                  Type: \copyright for distribution terms
                  \h for help with SQL commands
                  \? for help with psql commands
                  \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
                  \q to quit

                  postgres=# \q
                  postgres@Ananda:/$ exit
                  root@Ananda:/# psql -U postgres
                  psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"

                  Why is it that psql -U postgres does not prompt for a password?

                  Also, have I done enough to purge 8.3?

                  thanks a lot


                    Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04


                    I thought I should share this additional information! A status report
                    a) after several reboots, the status remains the same - unable to connect to
                    database - check if it running.
                    b) when I go lookup thru "k Menu"->system-settings->advanced->system-services and
                    lookup the postgresql-8.2, I find that it has been started at boot time but status shows that
                    it is not running. If I restart - it says it has successfully done it. Even then it says it is not
                    running. On the other hand, tomcat5.5 is both started at boottime and status is running.

                    why is this so? 'ps -ef | grep postgres' shows that there are 3 processes of postgres running.

                    similarly after doing a su postgres and then doing a psql shows that postgresql-8.2 is running.

                    Hope this additional info is useful....

                    thanks a ton in advance


                      Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

                      Did you set a username / password?
                      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                      4 GB Ram
                      Kubuntu 18.10


                        Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04


                        Yes, I did set the username and password - both using psql and at the user account management



                          Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04



                          Here is my postgresql log clip:
                          2008-06-10 23:14:01 IST LOG: database system is shut down
                          2008-06-11 15:08:08 IST LOG: could not load root certificate file "root.crt": no SSL error reported
                          2008-06-11 15:08:08 IST DETAIL: Will not verify client certificates.
                          2008-06-11 15:08:08 IST LOG: database system was shut down at 2008-06-10 23:14:01 IST
                          2008-06-11 15:08:08 IST LOG: checkpoint record is at 0/42CA5C
                          2008-06-11 15:08:08 IST LOG: redo record is at 0/42CA5C; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE
                          2008-06-11 15:08:08 IST LOG: next transaction ID: 0/1417; next OID: 10820
                          2008-06-11 15:08:08 IST LOG: next MultiXactId: 1; next MultiXactOffset: 0
                          2008-06-11 15:08:08 IST LOG: database system is ready
                          2008-06-11 15:08:08 IST LOG: incomplete startup packet

                          The question: What is the 'incomplete startup packet'? Has it got anything
                          to do with this problem?

                          Any help to fix this is most welcome

                          thanks a ton


                            Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

                            Here is my aha! moment.

                            I browsed thru the postgresql.conf file under /etc/postgresql/8.2/main
                            and found that the default postgres listening port is 5433 rather than 5432 that
                            is used everywhere (manuals, documents etc).

                            So, here is the summary of openbravo installation (that I had problems with):
                            a) Do NOT use postgresql 8.3 version for openbravo 2.35 - it took sometime to
                            dig this information out. (Yes, I read it here first... )
                            a) do not use the defaults that the openbravo installation prompts with.
                            b) when giving new paths for java, postgres etc beware of the default
                            text in the textarea - that gets appended to the path and creates problems
                            c) Use port 5433 for connecting to the postgresql 8.2 server (not the
                            default 5432). Also editing /etc/postgresql/8.2/main/postgresql.conf to change
                            it to 5432 and restarting the db server did not have the desired effect.

                            thanks a lot Fintan - your help was very timely and saved me a lot of time



                              Re: Installing Openbravo ERP on Hardy Heron 8.04

                              I browsed thru the postgresql.conf file under /etc/postgresql/8.2/main
                              and found that the default postgres listening port is 5433 rather than 5432 that
                              is used everywhere (manuals, documents etc).
                              That is what I was going to suggest next.

                              Glad you found it and to have been of help.
                              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                              4 GB Ram
                              Kubuntu 18.10

