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Kubuntu 8.04 sluggish-slow and can't update via apt-get

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    Kubuntu 8.04 sluggish-slow and can't update via apt-get

    I'm new to Kub forums and I'm glad to be here, I really like this distro.

    Today I installed the latest beta just to give it a glimpse. I find to issues:

    1. Desktop, Kmenu (start menu) and shutdown options ara WAAYYYYY TOOOOOOO SLOOOOOOOWWWW and sluggish.
    2. apt-get downloads the list of updates available but when it should start grabing and installing them it stop-cold at 0% wtf!?

    I previously tryied Kubuntu 7.10 and compared with GNOME it's slower in fact but this latest release is really slow. On the other way, when I tried Ubuntu 7.10 it runned smooth and updated without any problem.

    And, when I say this Kub 8.04 beta is painfully slow I say it's PAINFULLY SLOW. Yesterday I tried Vista Ultimate xp1 in this very machine and although it rated 2.6 it worked INCREDIBLE COOL, blazingly fast!!
    How can this happen
    Please take in mind that I was very impressed by this new Vista everybody seems to hate but still don't want to have nothing to do with Window$ nor Micro$oft, that's why I'm trying Kubuntu (OpenSUSE KDE is another alternative) for my everyday computing.

    On the good side, I want to congratulate Kubuntu team because now GRUB work really really good: with Ubuntu/Kubuntu 7.10 I had to do minor edit in the menu.lst file while this time GRUB worked fine from the first time.

    cheers !!

    Re: Kubuntu 8.04 sluggish-slow and can't update via apt-get

    Sounds you're sold on Vista. Go for it!


      Re: Kubuntu 8.04 sluggish-slow and can't update via apt-get

      Well in fact I'm evaluating buying Ultimate but I really DO want to start using Linux as my base desktop.

      From the problems listed above I just resolved one, the apt-get issue:

      right after apt-get downloads descriptions you need to do some manual tweaking to make it download and update the system.

      It keeps me worry two things about this release:

      1. I still can't use the full resolution of 1280x1024
      2. The system load seems BIGGER than any other releases and a way lot more than in Vista. With Kub 8.04 I have the CPU fan running very noisy at high speed every time while with XPpro sp2 (my current OS) it happens only sometimes and with the Vista version I tried yesterday it didn't happen at all!!!
      Wow... and I supposed Window$ was the bad-coded OS that makes your system overwork...

      Anyway, I'll just wait for the final Kubuntu release and see what's next.

      One more thing:
      Why in the hell Linux GUI developers keep making GUIs bigger'n bigger? It happened to me that with Ubuntu 7.10 I was running my monitor at 1280x1024 but in fact the icons and entire GUI was BIGGER than Window$ or Mac...
      may be with a 30" monitor...


        Re: Kubuntu 8.04 sluggish-slow and can't update via apt-get

        Originally posted by martosurf

        1. I still can't use the full resolution of 1280x1024
        Did you install a video driver appropriate to your graphics card?

        2. The system load seems BIGGER than any other releases and a way lot more than in Vista.
        Comparing features, functions, and phenomena between Linux and Windows is kind of a fool's errand -- they're very different in many ways, and don't do a lot of things the same way. Linux is designed to use as much memory as possible, if that's what you're looking at. Windows is designed to crash and die if it ever uses all your memory. Otherwise I don't know what "load" you are referring to.

        One more thing:
        Why in the hell Linux GUI developers keep making GUIs bigger'n bigger? It happened to me that with Ubuntu 7.10 I was running my monitor at 1280x1024 but in fact the icons and entire GUI was BIGGER than Window$ or Mac...
        may be with a 30" monitor...
        I dunno -- I can hardly see the teeny-tiny fonts on this 1600 x 1200 display on a 21" Samsung Syncmaster -- I may need to drop back to 1280 x 1024 myself. LOL


          Re: Kubuntu 8.04 sluggish-slow and need manual tweaking to make apt-get work

          Well, I came here seeking advice and found a kid playing the stupid clown 8)

          Did you install a video driver appropriate to your graphics card?
          Mmm... having a nVidia I installed an ATI driver... shet... must be that!!... LOL

          What r u talking about? Didn't the OS detect and install itself the appropiate video criver? I remember back in Ubuntu 7.10 it automatically updated the video driver.

          Comparing features, functions, and phenomena between Linux and Windows is kind of a fool's errand -- they're very different in many ways, and don't do a lot of things the same way. Linux is designed to use as much memory as possible, if that's what you're looking at. Windows is designed to crash and die if it ever uses all your memory. Otherwise I don't know what "load" you are referring to.
          Never anybody say you are angry like a mother in-law and more histerycal than a woman in her days??

          You are very wrong in fact because I NEVER did say what you say above but would be good to do right now: 8)

          1. Comparing features, functions: it's kind of a fool's errand no to do that. You'll see, when you have a Linux desktop that pretend to replace de buggy Window$ it will need to have most of the functions and features it counterpart have. Even Mac is trying to compete with Window$ and adding feature as if it was a real OS. So, please review your words and shut up, you arrogant one.

          2. and don't do a lot of things the same way: of course not, that's the beauty of all of this. Even on the same platform and even with the same programming language two different people don't make things the same way.

          3. Linux is designed to use as much memory as possible: WRONG. Linux is designed to take the best advantage of all the system parts: CPU, RAM, network, HD, etc. etc.

          4. Windows is designed to crash and die if it ever uses all your memory: these are passionate stupid words. Window$ in fact crash and die because it's bad coding and that's a fact since Win 3.1 and that's why I never liked it. However I don't know how Vi$ta or its sucessor will perform.

          Still, with the latest beta release of Kubuntu 8.04 I can hear the cooling fan run all the time at high speed making lot of noise, a thing that not happens with XP2 or when I tried Vi$ta - in fact with Vi$ta computer run strangely silent...
          Sorry if this don't like you - it's facts.
          I'm indeed posting this here to help developers find what's happening!

          I dunno -- I can hardly see the teeny-tiny fonts on this 1600 x 1200 display on a 21" Samsung Syncmaster -- I may need to drop back to 1280 x 1024 myself. LOL
          well, playing the clown I said...
          I have a 17" monitor and still see GUI and icons pretty big.
          What I say is if Linux GUIs and icons and graphics developers know they have a greater screen space please don't fill it with it's own creations.

          See ya kid.


            Re: Kubuntu 8.04 sluggish-slow and need manual tweaking to make apt-get work

            Originally posted by martosurf
            well, playing the clown I said...
            I have a 17" monitor and still see GUI and icons pretty big.
            What I say is if Linux GUIs and icons and graphics developers know they have a greater screen space please don't fill it with it's own creations.
            I mentioned that one time before back over at the debian forum. The GUI guys often waste space without ANY benefit to the usability or visability. Windows apps (i'm not saying Microsoft apps) looks often way better and don't need that much space. As always that's my personal opinion and no, I can't do it better, I'm just a user, but I can provide feedback.

            Maybe your problem can be solved this way (helped me a lot in some areas):

            System Settings > Appearance > Fonts > Force fonts DPI > Set it to 96 DPI


              Re: Kubuntu 8.04 sluggish-slow and can't update via apt-get

              Originally posted by martosurf

              1. Desktop, Kmenu (start menu) and shutdown options ara WAAYYYYY TOOOOOOO SLOOOOOOOWWWW and sluggish.
              2. apt-get downloads the list of updates available but when it should start grabing and installing them it stop-cold at 0% wtf!?

              1. Do you mean the animation fading when you open the shutdown menu? I had that issue until I installed the fglrx drivers for my ATI.
              2. When it gets to the installing updates click show info. There is a prompt asking which graphic to use as default.. I think hats what it was asking. But anyways it is asking for input from you.


                Re: Kubuntu 8.04 sluggish-slow and can't update via apt-get

                What r u talking about? Didn't the OS detect and install itself the appropiate video criver? I remember back in Ubuntu 7.10 it automatically updated the video driver.
                You may want to check if the accelerated drivers are actually installed. look in your Kmenu --> System --> Hardware Drivers Manager. From there you can see if you have the 3D drivers for your card installed. Its a little different in Hardy, but in either Hardy or Gutsy you still have to tell it to install the proprietary drivers, its not done unless you either tell it to, or OK it.

                Depending on your card, you also may want to install a different driver (I am assuming Nvidia?) than the 'nvidia-glx' driver that the restricted driver manager installs. older cards may need nvidia-glx-legacy, new-ish geforce 5-series and up work better with the 'nvidia-glx-new'

                As for updating Hardy, I suggest using the command line for updates, even in this beta stage as packages are updated so often that many times a needed/required package isn't in all the repositories immediately. using the command line will tell you what is missing/broken/etc, which makes it much easier to find the cause or cure.

                sudo apt-get update
                sudo apt-get dist-upgrade


                  Re: Kubuntu 8.04 sluggish-slow and can't update via apt-get

                  Tnk for your kind reply guys.

                  I'm very sorry for this late reply but I have mom with some serious health issues and I haven't time to do anything until today, Sunday at 19:06

                  squirrel: I too often see posts complaining about the wasted screen space, something that disgust myself and that's because I'm posting that topic again. May be some day someone will be aware of this an develop a decent GUI (like a new Neo, lol) - and not, I'm not a developer too but I speak from a power user point of view.
                  And I think GUIs should be developed with a wide arrange of different type of users in mind.
                  The font is already set to 96 dpi and I find it still GIANT.

                  1. exactly, I did mean the animation fading at the shutdown menu (tnx 4 interpreting my Tarzan-like english)
                  2. again, that's what I did - something not very easy to a common Windows user, seems Kubuntu team needs to fix this if they want people use Kubuntu. Again, tnx for your correct interpretation

                  claydoh: COOL, thanx to this super formula I can update very often Kubuntu. It could be better if I can make any kind of "batch" file to do this automatically but doesn't hurt me to type it anyway.

                  Guys, being you sooo kind I have another little question: how can I launch Kub in kernel mode 3 (or something like that) without the GUI to update the graphic driver with a .RUN packet I just downloaded from nVidia's site?

                  Tnx again for all.

         [slash] partyandb u l l s h i t


                    Re: Kubuntu 8.04 sluggish-slow and can't update via apt-get

                    You don't have to. You can install the nVidia drivers following the HOWTO: Install and use the Envy script installer for video drivers
                    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Re: Kubuntu 8.04 sluggish-slow and can't update via apt-get

                      and Hardy's nvidia drivers are 169.12, which unless you have an ultra new video card (GeForce 9600 GT) , are even easier to install via adept the latest-greatest 171.06 driver basically adds support for the 9600, you don't get any performance improvements on, say, an fx 6200 like I have.

