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Dislike.... new directories.

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    Dislike.... new directories.

    Where do I file a complaint? I don't like the new "Documents", "Pictures", "Videos", "Public", "Music", "Templates" directories that are clogging up my /home.

    I didn't like them in Windows and I don't like them here. I already have a pics and documents dirs. I don't need more, let alone Upper Case Ones.

    "oh you could just delete them!"

    Thanks Mr No Help. They shouldn't be there to begin with.

    Further more, I don't care that Dolphin now refers to /home/myname as just simply HOME. To me, that's confusing, I'm looking at that any looking for myname and wondering what happened to my home foleder, oh wait... that's just some software trying to be so helpful it's painful. This is what I don't like about Apple. Don't give me a FisherPrice interface and treat me like a 45 year old soccer mom with 3 kids and/or an incompetent idiot. Yes I'm stereotyping and yes I think almost anyone will understand my point with this stereotyping. I'm sorry, but it upsets me to leave the Windows and Mac worlds and finally feel like the user is being treated well and now I'm starting to see the "super duper friendly" crap starting to creep in.

    "Oh well you could just use Konqueror"

    Again, that doesn't help. Dolphin is nice, but don't confuse people that already have a basic understanding of things, by changing things like that.

    Have a nice day.

    Re: Dislike.... new directories.

    I agree, but unless someone on KDE them gets tired of them (like the auto insert cd dialog or ktip), they are here to stay, honestly I don't see the point of the whole thing, it didn't cause my a good impression to say the least.


      Re: Dislike.... new directories.

      These directories first appeared in ubuntu 7.10, so don't blame kde4


        Re: Dislike.... new directories.

        Auto folders - Not so good ideas

        Kubuntu Hardy Catchup tells:
        XDG Home Dirs

        We should support the XDG Home Dirs spec in Kubuntu.

        Patches are available from Mandriva for kdelibs. xdg-dirs-document-path to set KDE's global Desktop and Documents directory. speedbar-xdg-user-dirs to add the directories to the file open and save dialogues.

        Add xdg-user-dirs to the desktop seed to create directories on first run. Patch xdg-user-dirs to create .directory files in each directory to specify the relevant icon (the relevant icons should come from speedbar-xdg-user-dirs).

        Alter applications to use the relevent directory by default. Amarok to use Music, Kaffeine to use Video, Digikam to use Photos, KOffice to use Documents, Konqueror to Downloads.

        We have decided not to add entries to the Kicker System Menu.

        These patches should be ported to KDE 4.

        These directories first appeared in ubuntu 7.10, so don't blame kde4
        Backported ?

        Where do I file a complaint? I don't like the new "Documents", "Pictures", "Videos", "Public", "Music", "Templates" directories that are clogging up my /home.
        Hardy Heron Beta

        Topic: [SOLVED] Another Stupid Question - but please answer if u can

        Hardy Release Schedule, Plans, Artwork, Release Notes, Screenshots and Upgrading
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: Dislike.... new directories.

          Extra directories? Ack, quit your moaning It'll all be tags soon...

          I personally have Photos & Music of my own (yes, capitalised because it's 'proper English') and Videos and Torrents and Wallpapers (randomly) and... yeh. I think the biggest problem with directories like that is the temptation to make more of them! Could be worse, could be "My Documents"

          But yeh the Dolphin "Home" is "~" not "/home" is very confusing. I spent a while clicking around in circles yesterday and I didn't figure out that was what was going on.... just figured that Dolphin was buggered.

          Guess they should rename it to "My Home"


            Re: Dislike.... new directories.

            Dolphin just plain sucks... IMO. I have tried to like it... I truly have. I do not see how it is new user friendly at all.. it's the most clunky interface I've used in a long time....

            As for these new directories, I don't like them either. Especially since I back up my /home directory and this new format doesn't match my old one. But I suspect this will be nice for new users so whatever makes it easier for the new guy makes me happy.



              Re: Dislike.... new directories.

              Originally posted by klerfayt
              These directories first appeared in ubuntu 7.10, so don't blame kde4
              They weren't there 5 days ago. Their creation date is 3/21/2008 12:24am. Which would be consistent with when I did the upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy.

              I never mentioned KDE4, as I'm not using it.

              An idea for them to roll around would be not to create the clutter until someone accesses the feature that uses them? Instead of pre-cluttering our home dirs.

              I don't know, I just really don't like the idea that there's a whole bunch of subdir's automatically created and someone decides for me that, that is where my data should go. That's what a /home dir is for in the first place. Let the users decide if they want sub dirs. Next they'll be making sub dirs in Videos. We'll see Wedding, Honeymoon, New Car, New House, Baby, Dog, Vacation... then under Music they'll get "sponsored" dir's and Nickleback and Slipknot will be automatically created for me! Wow, how super guys!

              It was good how it was, it doesn't need to change. Don't focus on giving people a cookie cutter experience.


                Re: Dislike.... new directories.

                Originally posted by clickwir

                Further more, I don't care that Dolphin now refers to /home/myname as just simply HOME.
                this may help:

                open Dolphin and go to Settings > Configure Dolphin, and check the box for "start with editable navigation bar"..


                  Re: Dislike.... new directories.

                  Have to agree on the new directories. Started on the 3.5.9 update from ppa on gutsy. I have been using a folder called 'Docs' for over a decade on Linux. We are not so stupid as to be unable to make choices for ourselves. Even Open Office is defaulting to looking in my (empty) documents folder.


                    Re: Dislike.... new directories.

                    Originally posted by stealthbanana
                    Have to agree on the new directories. Started on the 3.5.9 update from ppa on gutsy. I have been using a folder called 'Docs' for over a decade on Linux. We are not so stupid as to be unable to make choices for ourselves. Even Open Office is defaulting to looking in my (empty) documents folder.
                    Heartily agreed. In my own case though, I just added symlinks in this newfangled "Documents" folder to my "text" and "down" folders, which tend to be the two folders I'm intending to go to when a program redirects me to "Documents". Nonetheless, does anyone know a way to change this global default, say to make things default to stealthbanana's "Docs" folder instead? I can only assume that the actual folder is a variable somewhere, if this is programmed at all in the Linux way . . . if it's hard coded I'll cry. No, seriously.

                    Edit: Nevermind, apparently it's "~/.config/user-dirs.dirs" .


                      Re: Dislike.... new directories.

                      Just to fan my own flame a little more.

                      I'll be honest. I'm scared of My Documents in windows. It's not a normal folder. It's one of those "system" things that just makes using it how I want to use it (isn't is all about the user?) difficult.

                      And I'm afraid that these Documents and Videos and Music dir's are going to turn into that abomination that is in windows. It's going to require modifications to this and that (TweakUI) to point things where you want them, and even when you have your own place to save things, programs are just going to default to opening to My Documents. Even though it's not the last place I saved or opened something to/from.

                      I just don't like the idea that things like this are being done for me. I don't want them. I don't need them. I won't use them. Don't clutter my home dir.

                      I would rather see time spent on user education/documentation and making it easier to change the default save dir for programs.


                        Re: Dislike.... new directories.

                        C'mon now, we are complaining about folders here

                        One of a linux distro's jobs is to define a set of default apps and settings based on some set of criteria and standards. Some keep it purely stock, others go for some customizations. You don't like it, delete them! Many others appreciate the folders, especially if all the different apps that may be installed use those directories. I know I do. It saves me the , um, hassle of creating them if I happen to wipe my whole home dir for some reason lol. My normal home dir happens to closely resembled the new directory setup, and I have been using that about 8 years now.

                        Back in those days, a big gripe was the swiss-army-knife approach to Konqueror, it was gonna end up being just like WIndows Explorer/IE and make linux fall into the Windows trap, bla bla, end of the world, bla

                        I am still waiting for that one and I don't see it happening, especially in an Open Source environment. Same with adding some convenience items or for using one file manager over another. Konqueror ain't going anywhere, but I firmly believe that Dolphin will be the choice in the long run (not the D3lphin in KDE3). i myself am a long time Konqueror fanboi who has switched to Dolphin, and even prefer D3lphin over Konq for file management. But I never would tell someone they had to use it, something else can easily be used.

                        Unfortunately, what some like, others will dislike. and it will always be that way, and it is up to the distro/community to come up with what it thinks is best, and it is for the users/community do find what works best for them.


                          Re: Dislike.... new directories.

                          I'm with Claydoh.

                          D3lphin really did suck, but in KDE4 this Dolphin is actually pretty nice. And I'm old-fashioned enough to still think that a file manager is one thing, and a browser is another thing, so I've never gotten comfortable with Konqueror's split personality, or that Windows thing that acts like a browser half the time but is really a file manager. So Dolphin KDE4 suits me just fine.

                          As far as the pre-named folders go -- well, I was going to make a "Documents" folder anyway, so they saved me the trouble. But I was going to have "Images" not "Pictures", so that one got changed. As long as I can change it (unlike Windows), it's OK. I'll view the Kubuntu default folders as a "suggestion" and treat them accordingly.


                            Re: Dislike.... new directories.

                            Originally posted by clickwir
                            ...I don't like the new "Documents", "Pictures", "Videos", "Public", "Music", "Templates" directories that are clogging up my /home.

                            I didn't like them in Windows and I don't like them here. I already have a pics and documents dirs. I don't need more, let alone Upper Case Ones....
                            My exact thoughts. Thanks.

