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Couple questions after upgrade

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    Couple questions after upgrade

    I upgraded my Gutsy X64 laptop to Hardy X64 last night. I have a few questions about things though. First off, the upgrade removed gnome-games and when I try to reinstall it, it says it will break the install. Is there any way to fix this? Or at least install aisleriot solitare?

    Second, I use compiz-fusion. It was working fine before the upgrade, now after, the Desktop pager is messed up. I only have one desktop no matter what I change the settings on CompizConfig Settings Manager. Any idea how to fix this?

    Re: Couple questions after upgrade

    I can't help you with the gnome games -- I'm guessing that is due to the unfinished nature of 8.04. Probably patience is the only cure, although you can research the dependencies for your game, and maybe figure out why you can't get them all installed at this time.

    On the pager, I think you've discovered a "feature". It's the same on mine, running KDE4, and I have the impression that it is designed to look like that.

    I recall that, when running Gutsy and seeing that condition, it was possible to run a command in the Konsole and get it to go back to 4 quadrants:

    dcop kicker default restart
    I haven't tried it with HH -- you can let us know if it works.


      Re: Couple questions after upgrade

      Thanks. The games are now installed. One of the updates today must have fixed the dependencies. I did discover another problem. Suspend doesn't work anymore. Worked fine in Gutsy but not Hardy.


        Re: Couple questions after upgrade

        Suspend to disk, or suspend to RAM?

        On mine, suspend to RAM "just worked" for Hardy, immediately after installing, which is good because the workaround that I know about for Mepis and Sidux won't work on Kubuntu because it has no such directory for the powersaving stuff. :P

        I have not tried suspend to disk.

        If you open a Konsole window, run kpowersave, and then click whichever suspend you are trying to do, maybe it will provide some error output.


          Re: Couple questions after upgrade

          Suspend to RAM. kpowermanager doesn't tell me anything.

          When I bring it back, my screen is black but I an adjust the brightness so I know the system is at least somewhat alive.

          I've found a couple other issues. First, the first time I log on, not everything in the system tray loads (knewtworkmanager, akregator, korganizer, etc.). If I log out and log back in, everything loads fine. Any idea's?

          Second, when KDE starts, the screen goes black for a second while Compiz loads. Is there any way to get compiz to load before so that the screen doesn't blank out?


            Re: Couple questions after upgrade

            re: Compiz. Since it is running as a user service it does not start until the user requests it to do so. When the user logs in compiz will normally start due to being a 'startup' program or as program that was running during the last session being restored.

            I won't say that it's impossible to get compiz to start before logging in, however to do so would require it to run as root. This could create problems if it has a fault or other problem. Just my thoughts... I agree the blanking screen is annoying, that's why I am loving KDE4. Similar effects without the hassle.



              Re: Couple questions after upgrade

              Yes, Mike is right on compiz. I have a fast graphics card so the "black screen" is more of a "blink" on mine, but it is definitely there immediately after login.

              I don't recognize the other problems you describe -- partial panel icons, difference between initial login and second login, S2RAM not working, etc. It kinda makes me wonder if that upgrade method from Gutsy is ready for prime time. I did a clean installation of HH Alpha 5, and then installed KDE4 on that, and have kept it updated since then, and I haven't seen any of that stuff, although there have been "those days" when audio was MIA, etc. -- normal developmental issues that you expect when running an Alpha version of software.


                Re: Couple questions after upgrade

                Well, thanks everyone. Maybe I'll break down and do a fresh install soon. I just hate doing that because I have to try to remember everything that I have installed and configured.

