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HH what have you done to my Firefox??

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    HH what have you done to my Firefox??

    As I noted in another thread here:

    I don't quite understand the HH policy of replacing a fully functional FF2 with a beta FF3 that will not be released as final until well after HH is final.

    Most of the functionality is gone and I don't like it.
    We are being forced to use a product that has nothing to do with testing HH and isn't even in the RC stage. I like that even less!

    Most of my add-ons that I need for productivity do not work and won't for some time to come!!!

    This doesn't work because FF2 is not there anymore:

    So to get FF2 back one will have to purge FF completely and manually install FF2 with this:

    Why should I go through all that trouble?
    When all I should have to do is go into adept/synaptic?

    For the same reasons I am not going to fool around with the /opt/firefox and /user/bin/firefox stuff and install manually.

    I don't mind testing FF3b along side using FF2 on a daily basis, as I can in GG.

    But I do mind being "told"/forced to use an app that is not fully functional let alone released, where there is an obvious alternative.

    I can only hope that FF is the only victim to this dubious policy

    Is this a RANT? Yes, maybe but I hope a constructive one and hope the lords of Kubuntu take notice.

    Any thoughts??
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10

    Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

    I was shocked too. My biggest issue is that FireFTP is not working with FF3 and I use it daily. I'll just install another FTP client but this is a dubious decision.... maybe they thought that because FF3 is getting such good reviews that most people are using it anyway?



      Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

      Originally posted by Fintan

      Any thoughts??
      Your complaint is very reasonable, Fintan -- they should not have "sprung" FF3 on us with no option.

      It happens that FF3 works well enough for me that there is no loss of productivity (so far), although I spent some time yesterday fixing it up. But I would be very unhappy if I lost work time because of this surprise change.

      FYI, I was having so much trouble with FF2 doing "freezes" for 15 - 30 seconds at a time, that I had already changed to using Iceweasel. So there was not a lot of love for FF2 here.


        Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

        Thanks dible, you gave me an idea. I thought I would be smart and try swiftfox again. It turns out SF comes as vers. 3.0b3pre so that won't help.

        The problem is that I just need tab-mix plus (as I use a lot of tabs and the default tab section sucks), allinone sidebar, foxftp (like bongo), gmailmanager, foxmarks Bookmark syncro. and few others.

        So instead of using HH on a daily basis I am back to GG

        And I just refuse to install FF2 just because I am being forced to.
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

          I tend to agree with the above and am having a small issue with the "new" FF in HH/kde4.

          When I open up FF it appears in the taskbar with a very, very fuzzy FF icon that disappears and or changes into some indistinguishable graphics after a period of time and comes back again.

          I am sorry if this is not very descriptive but I have n other way of describing it. The icon is all washed out.

          Any one with an idea?


            Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

            I can't understand this move either. But i grow more and more disappointed with this whole hardy thing.
            The program itself is usable, but really, what good is it without extensions? Very few are compatible, and the only way to get the others work is to disable the compatibility check ( like here ). Most do work that way.
            But the real "surprise" i got is that firefox always thinks i'm offline, so it starts in offline mode. it seems to be related somehow to knetworkmanager (which i don't use), and it only affects the new version. not certain yet whether this is a firefox or ubuntu feature.


              Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

              Thank you musta the new boolean in about:config worked. No problem so far.

              I did notice that today the lords that are have put FF2 back into the repos

              Edit: Installing FF2 from the repos gives me a FF2 in the "internet" part of kmenu but it doesn't start up

              What are these guys getting at??
              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
              4 GB Ram
              Kubuntu 18.10


                Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

                glad to help

                Originally posted by Fintan
                I did notice that today the lords that are have put FF2 back into the repos
                Great news! Reverting right away. Thanks!


                  Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

                  all my addons work for ff3.
                  ff3 is waaaaaayyyyyy cooler than ff2 was.
                  <br />


                    Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

                    When I open up FF it appears in the taskbar with a very, very fuzzy FF icon that disappears and or changes into some indistinguishable graphics after a period of time and comes back again.

                    I am sorry if this is not very descriptive but I have n other way of describing it. The icon is all washed out.
                    I am getting the same washed aout icon in the taskbar. sometimes it just dissapears.

                    The about: config workaround didn't work out after all, had to revert to a addonless FF3.
                    -all In One sidebar doesn't work
                    -tab mix plus doesn't work
                    -gmailmanager doen't work
                    -FoxFtp Doesn't work

                    Installing FF2 from the repos does not give me a FF2 that will open up from kicker.
                    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                    4 GB Ram
                    Kubuntu 18.10


                      Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

                      Seems like they are having a harder time with hardy than they did with Gutsy and I found the Gutsy alphas to be a mess.

                      I wonder if maybe they should take a cycle off and really polish one of these releases? There is some really good stuff in Hardy but I remember being brand new to linux (like I'm not still LOL) and running Dapper and then Edgy alphas with little problem.

                      Maybe I just have sweet dreams of those releases??



                        Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

                        Originally posted by Fintan
                        The about: config workaround didn't work out after all, had to revert to a addonless FF3.
                        -all In One sidebar doesn't work
                        -tab mix plus doesn't work
                        -gmailmanager doen't work
                        -FoxFtp Doesn't work
                        i'm pretty sure all those work with ff3. you need to update to the latest versions of these extensions before completely ruling them out from working with ff3.

                        if the newer versions won't install, you need to overwrite the maxversion. (MTLI is a good extension to do that).

                        if you still have problems, you should try a new profile.

                        p.s. i use TMP & it does work with ff3.
                        <br />


                          Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

                          Thanks echos.

                          Well, I pasted my updated profile from GG over to HH.
                          I then edited the install.rdf file in my extensions to look like this:

                          I can see the sidebar but the bookmarks don't work.
                          TMP shows up in prefs but doesn't open and tabs still behave as in default, etc, etc.

                          The link you gave me:

                          which obviously gave a page error

                          I'll now try something here:
                          which I suppose you meant

                          I didn't find anything there.
                          I "created" a new profile by pasting my GG over to HH.

                          What I have done is install with ubuntuzill (which gives me FF3b3), rename the /opt/firefox folder /opt/firefox3 then install FF2 from the repos, install again with ubuntuzilla giving me FF2 latest.

                          I then pointed the FF's in kmenu to /opt/firefox and /opt/firefox3 respectively.

                          That works. Sort of. I disables all add ons > :P

                          This is boring as H....
                          I mean what is the point of replacing FF2 with FF3 then putting FF2 back if it doesn't open up?? :P >

                          I got it working by renaming .mozilla/firefox to ./mozilla firefox old.

                          Restarted FF2 and installed all the addons I needed.

                          Pasted my GG ./mozilla/firefox/profile files (except extensions) over to HH and restarted FF2.
                          That works. NOw I have FF2 as my default browser again with all the functionality back

                          And a verson of FF3 as a test.

                          Another firefox upgrade will probably nuke this and I can start all over again, so I'll just watch out for those.

                          FF3 borks my FF2 addons again so I am staying away from it for now
                          HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                          4 GB Ram
                          Kubuntu 18.10


                            Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

                            this is all waaaay overkill. you shouldn't have to be doing this. but apparently you have no other option.

                            btw, as i said, i'd recommend MTLI to override the maxversion, as the way you're doing it isn't the recommended way. i don't mean doing it manually, but what you entered. its not recommended to give exact versions like "3.0b3". you're supposed to enter: 3.0.0.*. that way, in the future, you won't have to keep overriding the maxversion.

                            you need to point your shortcut to the firefox launch script, not the firefox binary. double check & make sure you're launching it correctly.
                            <br />


                              Re: HH what have you done to my Firefox??

                              Thanks echo, you are right I shouldn't have to doing any of this Both versions schould just be living happily next to each other as they did before HH and its lords decided to replace FF2 with FF3 without asking if we want that. >

                              By MTLI you mean MR Tech Local Install? I couldn't find anything there to change the maxversion.
                              I understand your logic with: 3.0.0* that makes sense. Should have thought of that myself

                              As far as I know ubuntuzilla installs its version of FF to /opt.

                              So with FF3 installed from the repos ubuntuzilla sees that and gives me version of ff3.0b3 and puts it in /opt/firefox with a shortcut of: firefox %U.

                              So when I rename /opt/firefox to /opt/firefox 3 I have to point the shortcut to /opt/firefox3/

                              When I then install FF2 (after they put it back in) from the repos (which doesn't launch, and that is my peave) I then installed FF with ubuntuzilla and it sees the FF2 version and installs FF2 latest to /opt/firefox which I can launch from a new shortcut call FF2 with /opt/firefox/
                              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                              4 GB Ram
                              Kubuntu 18.10

