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Suspend to RAM

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    Suspend to RAM

    Well, this was just about too easy.

    Because my rig has 4GB of memory, I also set a 4GB swap space. I'm letting you know these things, since I suspect they have something to do with how well the KPowersave settings work. YMMV.

    Hardy Heron Alpha 2, 64-bit, with KDE 4 installed.

    Alt-F2 "kpowersave" runs the utility. A little electrical plug icon appears on the lower right panel.

    Right-click the plug, choose "Suspend to RAM", and it's a 10 second shutdown to power off. On your PC, push the power button, and it is about 23 seconds on my rig to bring up the last desktop screen I saw, ready for action. Gkrellm comes up white, but puts up its display a couple seconds later.

    That's it -- it just works.

    In Mepis 7 and sidux, there has been an issue getting suspend to RAM to work. On those distros, there is a /etc/powersave/sleep file that needs a tweak. On *buntu, there is no such file or directory, so it's good nothing needed tweaked. :P

    That's the report. 8)

    Re: Suspend to RAM

    Have you been able to get the "Suspend to RAM" option working from the Shutdown menu (click and hold the "Turn Off Computer" button, and a dropdown menu will appear with several extra options)?
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


      Re: Suspend to RAM

      Originally posted by integr8e
      Have you been able to get the "Suspend to RAM" option working from the Shutdown menu (click and hold the "Turn Off Computer" button, and a dropdown menu will appear with several extra options)?
      Nope, just tried it following your instruction, saw the menu, clicked "Suspend to RAM", and nothing happened.

      However, doing it from the panel icon is about 3 clicks faster.


        Re: Suspend to RAM

        Ugh! My laptop will suspend, but hangs when I try to restore it :P I had this problem on Gutsy, but was hoping the new kernel in Hardy would fix the problem
        Asus G1S-X3:
        Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


          Re: Suspend to RAM

          Cool! Just tried it. That's nice!!


            Re: Suspend to RAM

            Well, found one issue after waking up from RAM. Sound Card quites functioning, have to reboot to get it working again. Tested this several times and it is always after Suspend to RAM wake-up. Hmmmm...Ideas?


              Re: Suspend to RAM

              I'd guess that's a bug, Moon. There's new kernel today (it might have been released yesterday, I've been away). I'd say first upgrade to the new kernel, reboot, and make sure the bug still exists. If so, and if it hasn't already been posted on Launchpad, then you can have the honor of being the original author of the "Suspend also suspends sound function" bug!


                Re: Suspend to RAM

                I added on to an existing report back to an older kernel. It was still an open issue and was very similar to my problem. We'll see.


                  Re: Suspend to RAM

                  I had sound disappear after trying suspend.
                  After reading this post, I re-booted, but no sound.
                  I discovered that the Front Output had been turned of in Kmix with my Dell xps m1330, with Intel ICH8 audio.
                  Once that was re-enabled (click on the green 'light') then sound was present!

                  God Bless
                  Malachi 3:10 ESV <br />...says the LORD of hosts... I will not you...<br /><br />Linux user since 2001 pda; 2006 lappy


                    Re: Suspend to RAM

                    I'll look into that. Thanks!

