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only 3.9gb or 4gb ram is showing

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    only 3.9gb or 4gb ram is showing

    Hi! I'm new to Kubuntu (and Linux in general). I've been running 8.04 KDE 4 Remix 64-Bit for a while now and have been loving it. However, I have noticed that Kubuntu is telling me that I only have 3.9gb ram when I actually have 4gb. Now, I realize that the .1 isn't going to make that huge a difference, but I was wondering if this is normal. Back when I had Windows XP it would report the full 4gb. So, if this is just the way it is I'm fine with that; I just wanted to make sure I've got everything set up right. Thanks in advance for entertaining my noob question.

    Re: only 3.9gb or 4gb ram is showing

    It's a "how you count it" issue, similar to what you find with hard disk drives. You undoubtedly have more than 4,000,000,000 bytes of memory. Do Alt-F2 "kinfocenter" without the quote marks, and click "memory" to check it. Divide that by 1024 and that's how many kilobytes you have. Divide the number of kilobytes by 1024 and that's how many megabytes you have. Divide the number of megabytes by 1024 and that's how many gigabytes you have -- and probably the number that you're seeing. I also have 4GB of memory -- Kinfocenter tells that I have 4,150,312,960 bytes, which works out to 3.87GB after the math.


      Re: only 3.9gb or 4gb ram is showing

      Cool, thanks! I figured it was something like that. Thanks for the verification though!

