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WPA-PSK without a hardwired connection to get started

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    WPA-PSK without a hardwired connection to get started

    Is it possible to activate WPA-PSK using only programs that are on the Hardy distribution disk? I understand there are programs such as wlanassistant that can do the job, but I can't find any that are already built in. KNetworkManager supports only WEP. wpa_supplicant is already available. And of course, if I don't already have a working connection I can't download anything at all.

    Re: WPA-PSK without a hardwired connection to get started

    Edit /etc/network/interfaces so it looks like this

    auto lo wlan0
    iface lo inet loopback
    allow-hotplug wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    wpa-ssid your ssid
    wpa-psk your passkey

    Save it. Then look in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf
    Make sure it says

    This last one tell Network-Manager to leave interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces alone. You then need to restart Network-Manager (nm-tool might do that) so it knows to leave wlan0 alone and stqart the interface via ifup. Options for that are;

    sudo invoke-rc.d NetworkManager force-reload
    ps ax | grep Network shows something like
    2586 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/sbin/NetworkManager --pid-file /var/run/NetworkManager/

    so you do
    sudo kill -HUP 2586

    followed by
    sudo ifup wlan0

    You may get a messsage that wlan0 is already configured. If so try
    sudo ifdown wlan0
    and then see if you can ifup it. If you still get that message try
    sudo ifconfig down wlan0
    and then try ifup again.

    You should now be getting something.

    There are other options that you can use in the interfaces file but you probably will not need them.



      I also need to start up wpa_supplicant and make sure it starts on every reboot, no?


        Re: WPA-PSK without a hardwired connection to get started

        No. Debian has an entire system of cleanly bringing up and shutting down networks using a package called ifupdown. It is called from the init system. If will use wpa_supplicant to configure the interfaces described in /etc/network/interfaces. The only thing I have even the slightest doubt about is the configuration of your access point.

