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Configuration for kppp

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    Configuration for kppp

    When I installed KDE4, the version of kppp which came with it would not connect properly with my ISP. Figuring that kppp was simply broken, and noting that the KDE developers were describing KDE4.0 in terms of a pseudo-beta release, I decided to wait for KDE4.1.

    KDE4.1 arrived and kppp was still behaving the same.

    The symptoms were an immediate dropping of the link by pppd with a message about a failure to authenticate. By turning on the debug feature I could see that the difference between the old and new kppp occurred when the ISP end responded to the "PAP AuthReq" with a "AuthNak". Apparently, the password (unhelpfully obfuscated by pppd) was incorrect. For some reason, kppp was sending an incorrect password.

    After some digging, I noticed that the KDE3 kppp was setuid root but the KDE4 version did not have the setuid bit set. Starting the KDE4 version with sudo resulted in correct behaviour.

    Looking further I notice that kppp tries to open "/etc/resolv.conf" (which is read-only to everyone except root) for writing and fails. Perhaps the password problem is triggered when this happens and it causes the password to become corrupted, or be replaced by something else.

    Doing a few searches, it seems that nobody else has had this problem. My installation appears to be broken. There are several areas which are candidates:
    • The installation of the new kppp into the KDE menu is incorrect and kppp should be started by kdesu or something similar (a PITA).
    • The installation of the kppp binary is incorrect and it should be setuid (this seems to be unlikely).
    • The permissions of /etc/resolv.conf are incorrect.

    So, can anyone offer advice about the correct setup for kppp?

    Re: Configuration for kppp

    I think that I have the answer to my question.

    The kppp documentation in the kubuntu help system mentions that kppp is now setuid. So it looks like there was a fault in the installation process for kppp which caused the bit to not get set. The docs say that special attention has been given to making kppp as safe as possible, so I have now set the bit.

    If anyone knows that this is the wrong solution then please let me know.


      Re: Configuration for kppp

      Interesting to know what I have to look forward to - - when and if I get my modem to actually work.

      One thing I noticed in the past (On Mandriva) and external Modems. If user #1 (F7) is online with dialup modem, and user #2 (F8) goes out on a browser or email client, the second user need not start Kppp. The network connection already exists

      Could this change in KDE4.1 / Kppp be a change so as to not allow this to occure??


        Re: Configuration for kppp

        Originally posted by bmetz
        The kppp documentation in the kubuntu help system mentions that kppp is now setuid. So it looks like there was a fault in the installation process for kppp which caused the bit to not get set. The docs say that special attention has been given to making kppp as safe as possible, so I have now set the bit.
        I've just done the latest update of the KDE4.1 kppp for kubuntu and have found that it installed without setuid. So it was back to the old situation: a failure to complete the connection. Setting the bit fixed it again...


          Re: Configuration for kppp

          Originally posted by yulester
          One thing I noticed in the past (On Mandriva) and external Modems. If user #1 (F7) is online with dialup modem, and user #2 (F8) goes out on a browser or email client, the second user need not start Kppp. The network connection already exists
          I'm not sure that I understand your requirement.

          Do you want only the user who starts the ppp connection to have access to the Internet?


            Re: Configuration for kppp

            Nope - - Just an observation.

