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[CLOSED - NO SOLUTION] loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

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    [CLOSED - NO SOLUTION] loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

    Upgraded to Hardy about 3 days ago. All OK except a couple of applications, which I got fixed.

    Today I noted that at powerdown time I was offered Hibernate and Standby options, but that when I tried to Hibernate, the system would freeze at boot-up. I'd previously (on Gutsy) installed KPowersave, but it'd always done exactly the same thing as it was now doing. So, and just uninstalled it.

    Returning to the computer this afternoon, I find that I have no Internet connectivity. Can't get there for email, or through my browser.

    I run a dual boot machine, and so went to my XP OS to see if THAT worked, or if I maybe had a hardward problem. It worked. No hardware problem evident. I'm writing this post now from within my active XP OS.

    So, my question: How do I approach this problem which appears to be wholly a Kubuntu issue? Should I...

    1. Twiddle with Network Settings? (I'm very ignorant in that area.) I went there a moment ago. I clicked through System Settings > Network Settings > Configure Network Settings > Configure Device eth0. I then activated, within the TCP/IP address window (or whatever it was) both Automatic (dhcp) and Activate When Computer Starts. (OK, I'm grasping at straws here - don't really know what I'm doing.) I rebooted. No change. Cannot connect.)

    2. Reload the whole system? (If should do this, do I just reload over existing system, or do something more drastic? I have the OS in one partition, and my user account in a completely separate one, but I'd sure prefer not to lose my application program installs - that that automatically install in areas outside my user acct.)

    3. Something else?

    I really need to get Kubuntu back on-line. I'd much appreciate any suggestions as to how to troubleshoot this.

    Re: loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

    kpowersave shouldn't have anything to do with network.
    but let's see.
    i assume you have a straightforward eth wired connection to a dsl router/modem.
    this said...
    you should check your windoze set up.
    and try and find out whether you're set up with
    a) static ip address
    in this case write down: ip address, net mask, default gateway, dns info
    b) dynamic (i.e. dhcp) ip address
    in this case we don't need anything.

    then let us know.
    with this info, we can then try to go and fix your kubuntu.

    there is no need to reinstall.

    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

      Originally posted by jankushka
      kpowersave shouldn't have anything to do with network.
      but let's see.
      i assume you have a straightforward eth wired connection to a dsl router/modem.
      I have a desktop with a dsl connection to a cable modem. Nothing more.

      Originally posted by jankushka should check your windoze set up.
      and try and find out whether you're set up with
      a) static ip address
      in this case write down: ip address, net mask, default gateway, dns info
      b) dynamic (i.e. dhcp) ip address
      in this case we don't need anything.

      then let us know.
      with this info, we can then try to go and fix your kubuntu.

      there is no need to reinstall.

      I couldn't figure out how to discover this information in my WinXP, but I have no reason to have a static IP address. I'm pretty sure that my ISP (Comcast) simply assigns a temporary IP add. to me when I come on line.

      Thanks for the reassurance about not needing to reintstall. Best news I've had in the last 3 days. And thank for you help. Very much appreciated.


        Re: loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

        What make/model router do you have? Accessing my Linksys router from my browser is via

        I'm prompted for my user ID and password. This gets me into the routers administrative settings.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

          Uh...I'm confused by your question. I didn't say I had a router. I know nothing about routers. To the best of my knowledge I don't have one. Here's my connection route, as far as I understand it: desktop > UBC cable > cable modem > cable to wall outlet > Comcast cable network > Internet.

          Sorry to be so ill informed. Doin' the best I can...and thanks for your response. If I can be more helpful in response to you, please tell me how.



            Re: loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

            Sorry. My bad! Got to clean my glasses more often.

            Have you attempted to reset the cable modem yet? On occasion (rare) I have to do this with my DSL modem.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

              No problem. I too have glasses - not always clean as well! Live has many challenges.

              Reset cable modem? Oh yeah. Multiple times. Initially, to rule out a hardware problem, I went into my WinXP, to check connectivity (same machine - just to be very clear). Didn't have a connection. Called Comcast and got that fixed (not clear what was wrong, but it was a problem which, when fixed, didn't affect my Kubuntu connectivity issue at all - no real surprise there. Have been running on WinXP (Gak!) since then, 'cause I need Internet. Very eager to return to the friendly world of Kubuntu Linux.

              jankushka seems to think he/she's got a clue about how to set things right. I sure hope so. No reply to my response to them, yet. Open to other ideas from you, as well, for sure. Thanks for you help.


                Re: loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

                Grabbing for clues here, so ...

                When you first installed Kubuntu, did you have this cable modem, and was it recognized immediately, or did you have to do anything to get it setup?

                That XP wouldn't see it either, and Comcast had to 'fix it' does make one wonder. Hmm.

                You also said that this problem started after upgrading to HH and specifically:
                Today I noted that at powerdown time I was offered Hibernate and Standby options, but that when I tried to Hibernate, the system would freeze at boot-up. I'd previously (on Gutsy) installed KPowersave, but it'd always done exactly the same thing as it was now doing. So, and just uninstalled it.
                So kpowersaver was installed, and you uninstalled it? If yes, let's ensure that it actually is removed (in the sense that your user account can't see any vestige of it). Open Konqueror. Navigate to your Home folder. In the URL type /.kde to the end of what is displayed. This allows you to see the .kde (a hidden folder). Then click on share and then on apps, If there is a kpowersave folder, delete it. Now, go up one level and click on the config folder. If there is a kpowersaverc file, delete it as well.

                Perform a normal shutdown/restart: K Menu > Log Out... > Log Out > Shutdown > Restart

                This is just to ensure that kpowersave truly isn't a factor here. It shouldn't be, but ....
                Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                  Re: loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

                  "When you first installed Kubuntu, did you have this cable modem, and was it recognized immediately, or did you have to do anything to get it setup?"

                  Initially, all was well. The upgrade went extremely smoothly. No connectivity problems evident until I uninstalled KPowersaver.

                  "That XP wouldn't see it either, and Comcast had to 'fix it' does make one wonder. Hmm."

                  Yeah, my thought exactly, but I simply cannot connect the two issues. WinXP connectivity is fine now. Kubuntu connectivity still dead.

                  "So kpowersaver was installed, and you uninstalled it?"

                  Precisely. Installed in Gutsy, uninstall in Hardy.

                  "If yes, let's ensure that it actually is removed (in the sense that your user account can't see any vestige of it). Open Konqueror. Navigate to your Home folder. In the URL type /.kde to the end of what is displayed. This allows you to see the .kde (a hidden folder). Then click on share and then on apps, If there is a kpowersave folder, delete it. Now, go up one level and click on the config folder. If there is a kpowersaverc file, delete it as well.

                  Perform a normal shutdown/restart: K Menu > Log Out... > Log Out > Shutdown > Restart"

         leaving XP and returning to Kubuntu, to try this out. Will return with report, shortly. Thanks again.


                    Re: loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

                    OK - results from looking at KPowersave deletion consequences:

                    "If yes, let's ensure that it actually is removed (in the sense that your user account can't see any vestige of it). Open Konqueror. Navigate to your Home folder. In the URL type /.kde to the end of what is displayed. This allows you to see the .kde (a hidden folder). Then click on share and then on apps, If there is a kpowersave folder, delete it."

                    => Didn't see a folder by that name or anything close

                    "Now, go up one level and click on the config folder. If there is a kpowersaverc file, delete it as well."

                    => Found it, and deleted it.

                    ALSO, I then did a "locate kpowersave" - result:

                    tom@tomcloyd-desktop:/$ locate kpowersave

                    Didn't touch any of these. Should I do more deletion?

                    "Perform a normal shutdown/restart: K Menu > Log Out... > Log Out > Shutdown > Restart"

                    => result: still no connectivity.

                    Still very open to suggestion! Thanks for your help.


                      Re: loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

                      Originally posted by tomcloyd
                      ALSO, I then did a "locate kpowersave" - result:

                      tom@tomcloyd-desktop:/$ locate kpowersave
                      Only because you did un-install kpowersave, I would delete all the above as well. With the exception of the /home/tom.kde/share/config/kpowersaverc file, all the others will require root to do the deletion. Delete just the files in the identified locations.

                      I'm pretty sure that this won't get your cable modem connection back, but it will ensure a complete removal of kpowersave, thus removing it as any sort of 'contributor' to the problem.

                      How much desktop customization to your desktop have you done? I'm asking, because there is a (small) possibility that some other user configuration settings file is messed up and affecting your modem connectivity. That possibility can be tested. This is how it's done:

                      Start Konqueror and navigate to your user home directory. Click on View > Show Hidden Files and then right-click on the .kde folder and select Rename. I'd rename it to .kde_OLD

                      Then again, perform a normal shutdown/restart as before. When you login, this hidden folder will be recreated. Your desktop may not look as it was, but that can always be redone. Assuming that the old .kde folder did contain some setting/configuration file that was affecting your modem (unlikely, but ...) this action might resolve the issue. If it does not, all you have to do is delete the new .kde hidden folder and rename the .kde_OLD back to .kde and you have lost nothing. You would have to shutdown/reboot to be back to where you were before this test.

                      Note: During this test, make no system/application changes.
                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                        Re: loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

                        Re: desktop customization - have just done small stuff - icon size, keyboard shortcuts.

                        I tried the .kde rename trick, and all it did was restore desktop to defaults. Worth trying, thought, I think.

                        I'm beginning to wonder if my very recent install of KDE4 might relate to the problem web access problem I'm having. I no longer can recall the precise sequence, but I know I installed KDE4 pretty much right before I decided to uninstall KPowersave and then the access problem came up. I'd uninstall KDE4 to see if that is the problem, but don't know how.

                        There's a thread going on my KDE4 issue:


                          Re: loss of Internet connectivity, after KPowersave uninstall

                          Gotta bag this line of inquiry. I need my computer back, yesterday. Going to reload and start fresh. Will likely never know what happened. Thanks to all for the effort!

