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Intel 4965AGN on T61p

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    Intel 4965AGN on T61p

    I installed Hardy on a T61p.

    I declined to configure the network during installation; now when I bring up Knetworkmanager it tells me there is no wireless adapter installed.

    How can I get the wireless adapter working without reinstalling?

    Re: Intel 4965AGN on T61p

    That is a common wireless card for most recent laptops. It should be a series of steps to install the correct drivers/firmware (if applicable).

    I would enable various repositories (non-free, maybe?) as it is surely in one of them. Google 'Ubuntu' or 'Kubuntu' + 'Intel 4965agn' and check the two forums for any writeups about that card.

    At the very least, google 'Linux' + 'Intel 4965agn.' I still think you probably don't have to do much to get that working but don't quote me on that. I think there are native drivers and support for that card so I suspect the required files/drivers are in one of the repositories that you have to find/enable and then install (so that your card is recognized and the drivers loaded).

    Sorry I can't help further. I'm a newbie and a bad one at that. Wireless is really complicated for moi!

