Hey, everyone. Just got Hardy Heron installed on my AMD box. As usual, I used the Intel install and not the AMD image cuz stuff just seems to work better. Everything, that is, except my RL2500-based wireless NIC. It's a PCI card, and I want to keep it because I don't want to drill any holes in the walls to stick and Ethernet cable through. All of the reading I've done suggests that the RL-2500 cards are well supported at speeds of up to 54Mb/sec, which is the speed of my wireless router. But the damned thing only connects at 1Mb/sec! I can't seem to find any configuration information, and I had it in the box when I installed Hardy, so it should have picked up the correct driver.
By way of comparison, the notebook I'm entering this on is an older HP Compaq with an Intel-based wireless NIC, and it has no trouble connecting at 54Mb/sec.
By way of comparison, the notebook I'm entering this on is an older HP Compaq with an Intel-based wireless NIC, and it has no trouble connecting at 54Mb/sec.