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KDE4 + iPod

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    KDE4 + iPod

    Hey everyone!

    My boyfriend just handed me an iPod classic a couple weeks ago, said he wasn't using it and if I could get it working under the linux, it was mine. I haven't gotten it working yet, annoyingly enough. I suspect part of my problem is a lack of willingness to go back to kde3 to at least try a proof of concept, but it might also be that attempting to install libgpod-dev makes adept tell me I'll break my system if it does as I tell it.

    Also, being unable to use the stable version of amarok in kde4 is pretty annoying, as the iPod support isn't the only thing I miss in the beta, even though I keep finding information about a Media Device Applet that I just can't find in the program (really, where could it be hiding?) and I can't find any way to install it.

    The iPod mounts, but my system seems to want to give it to root instead of normal user, so at this point I can't even successfully use it as a file dump. I did give gtkpod a go, and it worked initially, then after unmounting the iPod and later plugging it back in and mounting once more, I couldn't do anything with it.

    At any rate, if anyone has any ideas on how to make the iPod let me load music on it from the KDE4, I'm all ears.

    Re: KDE4 + iPod

    did you try out hipo ipod management tool? It is very simple and easy to use, and you could also use rythmbox music player, i have never tried it, but ppl tell me that it works.


      Re: KDE4 + iPod

      It ended up not being a KDE4 problem in the end. I had to disable the journaling on the file system for the iPod, using my mother's boyfriends iMac. Now the iPod seems to work beautifully.

      In case anyone else has this problem in the future, I issued this command in the OS X terminal with the iPod mounted on the Apple computer:

      diskutil disableJournal /iPod/mount/point
      Make sure to substitute the actual mount point for the iPod where I included /iPod/mount/point in the above code.

