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Booting at only 800MHz?

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    Booting at only 800MHz?

    Recently I have noticed something:

    When Kubuntu is loading, a message pops up when the Power Manager loads saying "...switched to performance." However, if you highlight the "battery" icon right after it loads, it only shows 800MHz. It changes to 1600MHz after a few seconds, but this has me wondering...

    Is my computer when it boots into Linux only booting at 800MHz? If so, how could I change this to utilize all 1.6GHz of my processor?
    Sony Vaio VGN NR260E<br />Linux Kubuntu 9.04\Windoze 7 Professional<br /><br />Sony Vaio VPCF1190X<br />Linux Kubuntu 10.04/Windoze 7 Home Premium<br /><br />Linux user #478627

    Re: Booting at only 800MHz?

    Originally posted by divide0

    It changes to 1600MHz after a few seconds, but this has me wondering...
    Until your system is fully booted, the hard drive is the speed constraint, not the CPU/memory (it has to read everything it needs off the hdd before it can start processing). I would venture to speculate that there's no difference in the time to finish booting between the two CPU speeds.

