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I hate Strigi!

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    I hate Strigi!

    First the background:
    I have been using ubuntu/kubuntu now for a bit more than 3 years. In that time I have managed to crash the FS numerous times so I am obviously not a typical user. But that's not what this post is about.

    I *finally* upgraded from feisty to hardy a couple weeks ago. I am on my *THIRD* install of 8.04. I had to re-install twice because of some very strange problems, the most recent of which was yesterday when the system somehow failed overnight and became unbootable. But that's not what this post is about.

    What this post is about is that when I googled to find a replacement for Stigi, I found this post:
    in which Strigi was mentioned, but the issue never resolved.

    That's what this post is about.

    I found out that fesity (on another of my machines) uses kfind as a file searcher. It's a great app. I tried apt-get to put it on hardy.. but it's already in there. SO.. I opened kmenu and edited the Strigi info, simply replacing the text there with kfind. I changed Description to "find files/folders" and command to kfind.

    Now I have good ol' kfind on the menu, much like it was in feisty. then I did apt-get remove strigi. 8)

    I love this stuff! When it works, there's no better distro. When I have problems, there's plenty of help.

    I hate Strigi, Too!

    after reading your post i have decided to see if we also get kfind in intrepid (8.10)
    kfind does come w/ 8.10 and this is awesome cause Strigi always crashes on me as i am atempting to index '/' and i guess it don't like that .. never cared to much but sometimes u need to find somethings like when i am looking for a programs install dir or the where does kubuntu put this .conf file

    however i am not able to remove the "strigi" package guess it didn't come w/ 8.10 or i removed it already
    Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
    (top of thread: thread tools)


      Re: I hate Strigi!

      I have been attempting to use strigi at times, but it was flaky (8.04 previous 386 now amd64). If I needed to, I just did grep. I never really have gotten the hang of it.

      And now it gives me 10 and 10's of duplicates.

      Enter baobab. I ran baobab and saw that strigi comprimised 75% of my /home.

      I can't find tutorials worth crap anywhere.
      man strigi yields zip.

      To be bluntly honest, if it doesn't have a man page, it should not be on a system.

      And strigi appears to be mandatory in kde4


      right now it for me it is "wipe -qrc" the files in clucene.

      I will be going back to kfind

      I would like to figure out how strigi is supposed to work


        Re: I hate Strigi!

        Thank you for sharing this. I followed your instructions, and now I'm using kfind!
        Sony Vaio VGN NR260E<br />Linux Kubuntu 9.04\Windoze 7 Professional<br /><br />Sony Vaio VPCF1190X<br />Linux Kubuntu 10.04/Windoze 7 Home Premium<br /><br />Linux user #478627


          Re: I hate Strigi!

          Well, what I always do is just remove Strigi and install Google Desktop, which works just fine. Simple solution.

