I have no idea what actually caused the problem.
My machine has been running for a day or two maybe. I think I've done some package upgrades, am not sure if I restarted after or not.
But I restarted my computer to try the live CD for 8.10 to see how it looks on my desktop computer, unfortunately it crashed when I tried to enable the desktop effects.
So I started the sequence for safely reboot, but couldn't see the screen, the CD popped out & I rebooted my machine.
Now my 8.04 won't start.
the loading bar never reaches the quarter phase. Then the CLI appears,
And it just stops there with the cursor blinking.
When I do
Many things appears such as shutting down phase I guess.
But more interesting:
Many things about cannot create xorg.conf.failsafe: Read-only file system.
Last message is:
Help is needed ASAP if possible, this is my main system since I left Windows behind
So me got no backup system.
My machine has been running for a day or two maybe. I think I've done some package upgrades, am not sure if I restarted after or not.
But I restarted my computer to try the live CD for 8.10 to see how it looks on my desktop computer, unfortunately it crashed when I tried to enable the desktop effects.
So I started the sequence for safely reboot, but couldn't see the screen, the CD popped out & I rebooted my machine.
Now my 8.04 won't start.
the loading bar never reaches the quarter phase. Then the CLI appears,
.... * Starting kernel event manager ... [OK] * Loading hardware drivers... udevd-event [3305]: run_program" '/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit *Setting the system clock * Loading kernel modules... * Loading manual drivers _
When I do
Alt + Ctrl + Del
But more interesting:
Many things about cannot create xorg.conf.failsafe: Read-only file system.
Last message is:
Warning: Could not generate /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe for vesa driver Fatal server error: Could not create lock file in /tmp/.tXO-lock _
So me got no backup system.