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Can't read half of the text on installation ___Fixed___

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    Can't read half of the text on installation ___Fixed___

    Downloaded the disk and burned it.
    Booted it up, did a memcheck and a diskcheck, both fine.

    Now, when I want to install it loads, goes black a few times and then there's is a window with the words a few questions bla bla bla.
    But these are HUGE and I can only see half of the screen and I can't resize that window.

    It's the window with the languages scroll thing on the left.

    Re: Can't read half of the text on installation

    OK, your problem is all about graphics. Did you make a Live CD that you can boot and get to the desktop? If so, open KMenu>System>Konsole and at the prompt run "lspci" with no quote marks -- that will tell you the exact model of graphics chip in your system.


      Re: Can't read half of the text on installation

      It's an Ati Mobility Radeon X700 XL
      Exact things in a moment.


        Re: Can't read half of the text on installation

        01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI technologies inc M26 [Radeon Mobility X700 XL (PCIE)]


          Re: Can't read half of the text on installation

          Ok kinda fixed by starting the installation from the live desktop.


            Re: Can't read half of the text on installation ___Fixed___

            I was going to say, if you install Kubuntu 8.10, if you boot Recovery Mode then you can run the "Fix X" utility. I'm not sure whether 8.04 has that or not.


              Re: Can't read half of the text on installation ___Fixed___

              Actually, I do have 8.10
              and another thing is, the disc ejects when the installation is at 50%
              however a disk check turns out that it's working fine.


                Re: Can't read half of the text on installation ___Fixed___

                I don't trust the disk check ................

                I think you have a bad CD.


                  Re: Can't read half of the text on installation ___Fixed___

                  going to try it once more, if it doesn't work I'll burn another disk.
                  and if that doesn't work I'll wait 4-6 weeks for the disk to be into my mailbox.


                    Re: Can't read half of the text on installation ___Fixed___

                    Apperantly, 6th time's a charm
                    but still, it's kinda oversized (the text and stuff)


                      Re: Can't read half of the text on installation ___Fixed___

                      I have an ATI card (9800Pro), and found the default screen an improbable size... about 800x?

                      I don't know if it would help in your case, but i installed the fglrx drivers with Adept, and there is also an ATI Catalyst Control Centre.

                      This was the only way i found to set the resolution to 1280x1024, and have it remain there after re-boot.


                        Re: Can't read half of the text on installation ___Fixed___

                        Hmmm, seems that I don't have wireless now...
                        How do I search for wifi accesspoints?

