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new install reboot problem

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    new install reboot problem

    I have just installed Kubuntu 8.04 on my computer - an AMD dual core machine.

    I installed the live CD and installed from there. After rebooting, the install stops at

    "running local boot scripts.."

    and does not go any further - any suggestions?

    Re: new install reboot problem

    When you booted the Live CD, did you test things a bit? Did sound work? Were you able to browse the Internet?

    Also, are you ending on a black screen with a white blinking cursor in the upper left corner? If not, what do you see when the action stops?


      Re: new install reboot problem

      I'm going to start this thread again, because I'm having the same problem. I just installed Kubuntu 8.04.1, the CD Demo worked perfectly, and I checked it for errors but found none. For some reason, this only works with 8.04, I'm actually reverting back from 8.10 (which booted up just fine, I just didn't like how plasmoid kept glitching.) Before 8.10, I had 7.10 (that I upgraded to 8.04 with no problems).

      Some notes on my computer:
      Pentium D 3.00 GHz
      ECS P4M800PRO-M motherboard (uses VIA graphics set, I have no graphics card)
      CORSAIR XMS2 2GB PC2-6400 DDR2 800
      WD HDD 320GB 7200RPM ATA/IDE (contains the old 8.04.1 install that used to be 7.10 and works ok, but it will sometimes randomly restart without any warning when I'm listening to music and viewing images simultaneously)
      WD HDD 150GB 10000RPM SATA1.5 (currently contains the defunct version of 8.04, ran 8.10 fine for the week or two that I had it installed, I tried 8.04 back in early October from a completely separate CD with the same problem)

      Do you guys have any ideas? I can Ctrl-Alt-F# to text shells and log-in, but KDE (or something) refuses to start. When I type 'startkde' in the shell, it returns a page of it's attempt but returns errors indicating that $DISPLAY is not set, Couldn't attach to DCOP server, Can't contact kdeinit!, unable to open display, etc.

      Any ideas guys? I really need you here. (The folks at wouldn't help me despite my bumping 5 times.)


        Re: new install reboot problem

        I "believe" this is down to the frame buffer. Next time you boot up please enter grub and delete the words "quiet" and "splash" from your kernel line - does it boot up okay?
        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


          Re: new install reboot problem

          Forgive my ignorance, toad, but how do I delete those from Grub?

          Just took a peek at my kernel line (I think anyways, the one where you press 'e' to edit the commands before booting?). Here's what I have verbatim:
          root (hd1,0)
          kernel /boot/memtest86+


            Re: new install reboot problem

            Right line (kernel) and procedure but wrong kernel.

            I'm talking about one that looks like this:

            kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic root=UUID=98675052-c017-409d-aafb-65b54c3afa70 ro quiet splash
            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


              Re: new install reboot problem

              Found what you were talking about. And I removed quiet and splash from the appropriate line. OS boots into text mode, but startkde still does not work right. Still says $DISPLAY is not set and such.

              EDIT: I browsed around online for some similar problems to get insight on my. I found that for folks who had problems getting XServer to recognize the screen (Google search of: "Fatal server error: no screen found"). They all referenced a file named /etc/X11/XF86Config (or something similar). I looked in /etc/X11 and searched it for anything similar, but there is only a file 'XvMCConfig' that contains only one line of text "".

              Could this be a problem?


                Re: new install reboot problem

                Sorry, my first post was in reply to sohalm's query - didn't realise that was from beginning of October!

                As for you, tuatha, if the display is not set you may want to tinker with your xorg.conf. Without a graphics card this should be reasonably straight forward.

                Back up your existing xorg.conf first:

                sudo mv /etcX11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak
                Stop kdm (if it is running) by changing to a CLI tty and do
                sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
                Now try the rebuilding command as specified in the file itself:

                sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
                Start kdm again (replace stop with start in the above command) and try to log in...
                Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                  Re: new install reboot problem

                  Attempted last command, but after I move xorg.conf to xorg.conf.bak and execute the dpkg command it states that it can't find xorg.conf, since xorg.conf no longer exists. I moved xorg.conf.bak back to xorg.conf and made a copy to xorg.conf.bak then ran dpkg and started kdm, making the screen flash a few times (attempting to start kdm), but reverted back to the text screen.

                  EDIT: I forgot to mention, running dpkg-reconfigure command (I'm not skipping the rest when I type it), it returns a warning:
                  xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20081109014718


                    Re: new install reboot problem

                    Which driver are you using in your xorg.conf? If it is not vesa, type that in and start kdm again.
                    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                      Re: new install reboot problem

                      Wow. Just took a look at my xorg.conf and it's all screwed up. Here is a summary of the contents:
                      Section "InputDevice"
                        Identifier  "Generic Keyboad"  
                        Driver    "kbd"
                        Option    "XkbRules"        "xorg"
                        Option    "XkbModel"       "pc104"
                        Option    "XkbLayout"      "us"
                      Section "InputDevice"
                        Identifier  "Configured Mouse"
                        Driver    "mouse"
                        Option    "CorePointer"
                      Section "Device"
                        Identifier  "Configured Video Device"
                      Section "Monitor"
                        Identifier  "Configured Monitor"
                      Section "Screen"
                        Identifier  "Default Screen"
                        Monitor   "Configured Monitor"
                        Device    "Configured Video Device"
                      Section "ServerLayout"
                        Identifier  "Default Layout"
                        Screen   "Default Screen"
                      I'm somewhat familiar with xorg.conf, as I've had to tinker with it in the past, but I couldn't tell you what needs fixing here....


                        Re: new install reboot problem

                        Looks alright, actually.

                        Try inserting a stanza that reads Driver "vesa" into it so that your new Section "Device" looks as follows:

                        Section "Device"
                        Identifier "Configured Video Device"
                        Driver "vesa"
                        Restart KDM and see...
                        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                          Re: new install reboot problem

                          Success!! I have a GUI! Thank you! Now that I have GUI, is there anything I should know about any files and such that may need additional configuration to ensure that things work well in general? ((looks good so far, It's currently putting me through KPersonalizer)).


                            Re: new install reboot problem

                            Depends on what you want to do. Multimedia? MP3s? Then google medibuntu repository and follow the instructions to get all the relevant codecs...

                            Glad it worked for you
                            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

