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error 18

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    error 18

    I'm trying to install on an old Compaq Armada M700 laptop, and everything seems to install fine. When I try to boot, however, I get an "Error 18". I was told that I had to adjust the BIOS to support GRUB, but I can't seem to get at the BIOS. All F10 gets me is a Setup menu. It's an old machine with limited resources (1G processor, 384MB RAM, 20GB HDD, CD-ROM) with the HDD wiped clean. I have heard that some of these beasts had the BIOS on the HDD, in which case I'm probably SOL. Anybody out there have any ideas what to try next?

    Re: error 18


    But first:

    Error 18 is often a tough one to deal with, as you suspected.
    The tip-off here is the older machine that you describe.
    Thus, manually re-installing GRUB probably will not help, but it is one thing I'd do real quick just to be sure before you delve into reading the linked page I gave you above.

    Here's how to manually re-install GRUB:
    Start your Live CD Kubuntu session.
    K > System > Konsole and then type:
    sudo grub
    and press Enter.
    That gives you a GRUB prompt: grub>.
    grub> find /boot/grub/stage1
    and press Enter.
    That gives you a specific (hdx,y).
    Put that (hdx,y) here:
    grub> root (hdx,y)
    grub> setup (hd0)
    grub> quit

    Exit out of the Live Kubuntu CD session and re-boot to test it.
    (This all assume one hard drive with Kubuntu on it.)

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

