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after new install Kubuntu 8.04 (latest from web) for amd64

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    after new install Kubuntu 8.04 (latest from web) for amd64

    I do not have access to the cd/dvd drive. nothing happens when I put a cd in it.

    also there is no sound at all. Cannot find a way to configure soundcard (nVidia)

    I am all new to Kubuntu, so bear with me, please

    Re: after new install Kubuntu 8.04 (latest from web) for amd64

    Originally posted by Bebbi
    I do not have access to the cd/dvd drive. nothing happens when I put a cd in it.
    Hmmm -- is this BEFORE or AFTER you boot a Kubuntu Live CD?

    also there is no sound at all. Cannot find a way to configure soundcard (nVidia)
    same question as above. Are you able to boot a Kubuntu Live CD, or have you (somehow) already installed it to your hard drive?


      Re: after new install Kubuntu 8.04 (latest from web) for amd64

      I have allready installed from the CD. Somehow the cd-drive was "not registered" despite the fact that installation was done from there. I did not try to get any sound while the live-cd-system was up.


        Re: after new install Kubuntu 8.04 (latest from web) for amd64

        Is that CD ROM drive on the IDE cable? If so, go into BIOS and look at the IDE channel. It should have a "mode" setting -- try changing it to "legacy" or "LBA" or whatever it is not presently set to.

        Hopefully the jumper on the drive is set to "cable select" position, and hopefully you've got the hard disk as "master" and the optical drive as "slave" on the channel.


          Re: after new install Kubuntu 8.04 (latest from web) for amd64

          IDE master 0 = DVD drive, all settings are AUTO
          IDE master 2 = HDD

          BIOS settings are "failsave".

          BTW: I have tried to install a different OS from DVD, but DVD does not boot (DVD is from a dealer, not self burned)


            Re: after new install Kubuntu 8.04 (latest from web) for amd64

            Originally posted by Bebbi

            BIOS settings are "failsave".

            BTW: I have tried to install a different OS from DVD, but DVD does not boot (DVD is from a dealer, not self burned)
            I've never heard of a "failsafe" mode on an IDE bus! I've got a feeling that is all or part of your problem. For the optical drive at least, you need to change that to "Legacy" or "Block LBA" or something else, I think. If it doesn't work, you can always set it back to failsafe.


              Re: after new install Kubuntu 8.04 (latest from web) for amd64

              I meant that the overall settings in BIOS are "failsafe". For the IDE it means "auto"


                Re: after new install Kubuntu 8.04 (latest from web) for amd64


                Hmmmm. I'll speculate that the "failsafe" is oriented to Windows-World. Does this mean that you are prevented from changing the mode on IDE settings? If so, then you probably need to figure out how to "un-failsafe" it. :P


                  Re: after new install Kubuntu 8.04 (latest from web) for amd64

                  with mount I managed to access the cd-drive. However I would expect the mounting process to be done automatically when a cd is put in the drive. And an easy way to unmount and eject. Like maybe an icon on the desktop, or so.


                    Re: after new install Kubuntu 8.04 (latest from web) for amd64

                    Normally, during installation the optical drive is set up in /etc/fstab to be available automatically, when a CD is put in it.

                    Here's the line from my /etc/fstab file:

                    /dev/scd0    /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0    0
                    If your optical drive is at /dev/scd0, you could manually make the "cdrom0" directory in /media, and then add that line to the bottom of your fstab file and probably it will work the same as mine.


                      Re: after new install Kubuntu 8.04 (latest from web) for amd64

                      fstab had the exact same line allready. have now set BIOS to LBA and now data cd will automount. but not music cd, but I can still play them. So it seems that this problem is solved.
                      thanks for the input / help.
                      (writing this while listening to one of my favorites !)

