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System Freezes !!

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    System Freezes !!

    Hello everyone, i hope someone here has the expertise i need in solving a most frustrating experience. I use a Dell OPTI-PLEX GX280 with a P4 processor and 1Ghz memory. This box employs two harddrives. The first 80 Gbz drive contains Windows XP Pro in a dual boot configuration with Xandros 3. The second 80 Gbz HD is fully populated (or at least it was) with kubuntu 8.04.1. I recently set up my video to play DVD`s with Media Player and was enjoying the Kubuntu experience very much when i was alerted that an upgrade was available. I allowed the upgrade to proceed as i have in the past with no problems. Once the upgrage was complete, i closed the update window and performed a few more task the system needed. I shut down the sytem believing all was well...........Well; that was until i rebooted the system again. I am currently using LILO as my boot manager and when i click on Kubuntu to boot, the system transistions to the Kubuntu start up screen and i get the following error message. Loading kernel EBDA is big;kernel setup stack overlaps LILO second stage, followed by a total system freeze. One of my delemas is that since Kubuntu resides on the second HD, LILO although sees it has no provision for system repair or troubleshooting as does Windows and Xandros on the first HD. I can get into the system with the system CD, and can even see my files, but so far cannot repair the failure. To be truthful, i understand that there is a kernel conflict; but what the HECK is EBDA and this stack thing in the second stage. The second stage of what ? > I`m so frustrated not because of the failure, but because i miss my Kubuntu Linux so much. I am almost at the point of just reinstalling the entire system, but that is so Microsoft. I know that there must be a better way to resolve this problem without such drastic measures. Besides, if i do reinstall, when i update the system will i have the same problem? Did the upgrade cause the problem or is the failure due to something less critical. Whatever the problem i know the experts here are the real problem solvers. What is a poor Kubuntu lover to do ?

    Re: System Freezes !!

    You might read some of this:

    Most of us here use GRUB instead of LILO.
    Should you need it, as I recall, Herman does a brief LILO tutorial here:
    Bigpond, home:
    (try his GRUB page, or scan the topics on the main page)
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: System Freezes !!

      If you are trying to use Kubuntu (8.04), I would suggest a fresh Installation.
      With GRUB, not LILO.
      Format that 2nd an 'active' NFTS partition.
      Then, install Kubuntu........using the 'within Windows' option.
      This will recreate a new GRUB (to Dual-Boot from).
      You may strike a problem (where Kubuntu seems to STALL, during the 2nd 'phase' of the Installation....don't despair, there is a way through it.)
      If it seems to STALL..............with a blnk screen, and ONLY a 'blinking Cursor'. (You will have to catch the following.)
      Keep an eye out for........."Press 'ESC', to enter Menu."
      You have to the count of enter.
      Most people have a problem...with either the Display, or APCI.(These are only 2 of the 'options' available)
      If ONE does NOT work, try the other. (and remember to REBOOT....for each one. Otherwise you will be sitting waiting for something to happen, it won't.)
      IF it is a APCI 'problem', check out your see if the APCI 'setting' is Enabled...IF it is! .......RESUME the Reboot, and, SELECT the 'option'......."with ACPI problems".
      IF it is the 'Display problems' one, select that, instead.
      (Should get you to the continuing Installation process, either one.)
      It pays to have a PS2 Keyboard/Mouse HANDY(connected IF possible) case you are using USB ones...and they DON"T work.
      (Disconnect PS2 Keyboard/Mouse IF USB is working.)
      If you have Installed Kubuntu ....via the 'Within Windows" will get what seems to be a 2nd Installation process going, IF you have reached this far.
      Sit back, and wait. (This is the 'nomal process'...using the the "Within Windows" option.)
      When It has finally installled, it will REBOOT.
      Select "Kubuntu"...from the 'Dual-Boot' GRUB. (Wait, again, for it to Load..............then, enter the "Root Password' you created.....when you used the "Within Windows' option, to start with.)
      You shoould be IN, now...into Kubuntu.

      Want to watch your DVDS, in Kubuntu?

      I use "Kaffeine".
      IF you try to watch any DVD (w/Kaffeine)'ll get a "DVD is encrypted" message.
      Again, DON'T despair.
      Just leave the DVD in................and, CLICK on the VCD 'button', instead.
      You will get a 'Message-window"....alerting you to DOWNLOADing the necessary 'CODECS'.
      DO SO,
      (You will get USE the "Root Passoword". USE it.)
      Again, wait for the "Adept Manager" to finish.
      Press DVD button.
      And, sit back to enjoy your DVD.

      The main reason "why' I suggest using the "Within Windows" option, is..............IF you need to UNINSTALL Kubuntu (for any reason!) is VERY easy to Uninstall.
      Just switch back your Windows OS (am assuming that you have either XP Home/Pro or Vista).
      Vista may pose a problem, as it is make AUTOMATIC 'back-ups'...of it's System. Which may prove locate and Uninstall. This may include the "Kubuntu" Os......installed 'within Windows' !)
      Go to Control Panel, then, Add and Remove.
      Uninstall "Kubuntu" ....from List.
      Check out your 2nd Hard-drive.............for the "Unbuntu Back-up Folder" (it won't say "Kubuntu" ).
      DELETE Folder, off hard-drive.

      I use make sure everything of "Kubuntu" is cleaned away. (Use the 'Registry" option.....and, use accordingly. Don't make any 'back-ups'...of what you're doing. After all, you ARE trying to CLEAN the Registry, aren't you ? )

      All traces of "Kubuntu" are GONE, trust me, on that.

      You are safe, to do another Re-Installation of Kubuntu. (No damage done to your Windows OS, at all.)
      I've done this, too many times to know how effective this DOES work.

      Try to install Kubuntu, via the BIOS's "Boot-up Sequence" option, and not pay full attention to what you are doing........Kubuntu WILL install itself the Main OS, overrides your Windows MBR 'files' (albeit, the 'Start-up Files' ) crucial...for the Windows OS.
      And, will give you a 'ERROR 17'.
      You will have no other option, but, try REPAIRing Windows. Or, Re-Installing it.

      If the 'above' does happen.....will suggest very strongly......that you reserve some plan the recovery of the whole System.


        Re: System Freezes !!

        I just want to reply to the responses i`ve recieved thus far from Qqmike and cookie77and begin by thanking you both for reading and replying to my post. I am definitely taking your suggestions to heart. I am somewhat confused though and ask that some light be shed on the following points. As stated in my original post, it was not until i upgraded that this problem occured. In fact, i had no issues whatsoever booting into Kubuntu under LILO. I still do not. LILO displays all three operating systems, even indicating that Kubuntu is on hdb1. Once selected, Kubuntu begins to boot; then as it is in the process, the freeze stops the system cold and the error message is displayed. This indicates at least to me that LILO has done it`s job. When i first loaded Kubuntu onto this HD, Grub either overwrote or killed LILO which was the bootloader under Xandros and became my system bootloader. Once up and running, i could see Xandros but could not boot to it. I had to reinstall Xandros to get a working LILO that booted all three systems. I must admit that i fear the same thing reoccuring if i switch again. Or did i not perform a proper install? Perhaps cookie77`s instructions will prevent that from happening. Finally, what would if any, be the advantage of using GRUB over LILO?


          Re: System Freezes !!

          Hi CT. I assume you read the googled links re the specific error message and found nothing. (It appears that the error occurs with LILO--I've not seen it with GRUB, but then I've not studied this.)

          GRUB vs LILO: google on that, and you'll find a lot.
          GRUB is better (more flexible, more robust) and most popular.
          Using GRUB, you can easily do what you want to do here.

          Bigpond, home:
          (click on his GRUB page)

          How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit

          Reply #10 sets up a separate GRUB partition, useful for running several Linux distros that may be changed frequently.

          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

