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kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

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    kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

    Hi, previously on my old computer I ran 32 bit SUSE linux with no problems; but after a catastrophic hardware failure I now have a new computer with AMD Phenom, 4GB RAM and multiple HDDs etc.
    However, whilst the Kubuntu live CD appears to run with no problems, it refuses to install, even when I remove all other HDDs and I try to load it to a dedicated HDD.
    Kubuntu (and Ubuntu) always crashes when it claims to have done only 5% of the partioning !
    I have tried partioning the dedicated HDD with GParting and other tools prior to loading the Kubuntu (or Ubuntu) live image but it makes no difference.
    Is there an obvious solution because its giving me the ****s?

    Or is Kubuntu just a piece of crap and should I go back to using Mostly **** software (XP)?


    Re: kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

    Are you trying to repartition a hard drive that also contains your windows install? If you are, one of the problems can be that you need to defrag your windows install before trying to create a new partition. It is best to run defrag on windows from safe mode to get a better defrag. I have had problems as you describe because windows has it's file scattered all over the disk, and the partitioner could not resize the windows partition because of this.


      Re: kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

      Nope I'm using a dedicated hard drive, all others have been unplugged.


        Re: kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

        If you downloaded the Live CD and burned it yourself; What speed did you burn the disk at?
        A lot of people have had problems due to the speed they burned the ISO image at.
        The Live CD will boot fine and work off the disk, but when trying to install it will hang or give an error.
        I believe it is recommended to burn the ISO at around 4X in DAO.

        If this is not the problem, what kind of HDD are using? (Seagate and Maxtor seem to have the most problems)
        IDE or SATA?
        Are they set up correct in BIOS?

        &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


          Re: kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

          I get the impression that no one here really knows.

          In an attempt to resolve the various issues, I downloaded openSUSE-11.0-DVD-x86_64.iso (the 64 bit install).
          This installed openSUSE on my system in about 11 minutes with no install issues.

          This leads me to draw the following conclusions;
          1) The Kubuntu (and ubuntu) live CD (64 bit version) would appear to be sensitive to some hardware combinations.
          2) The 32 bit version of the Live CD would appear not to have the same hardware sensitivities.
          3) Someone should pull their finger out, stop pontificating and fix the problems with the Live CD 64bit distribution.
          4) When the various install issues with Kubuntu (and ubuntu) are resolved I may come back and give it another try.


            Re: kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

            sorry you had a bad experience, but it looks like there were a couple of us that tried to help and you did not provide us with any other info to go on.
            I installed Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4 64bit on my pc running an AMD 64 x2, a 400 gig WD HDD, 2 gigs of RAM, and an XFX 8600 GT XXX video card... I had zero problems with my install.
            as I previously said, most of the time when the install hangs with Kubuntu it is because the Live CD that the person has burned was not burned at a slow enough speed.
            oh well. enjoy SUSE.
            &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


              Re: kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

              Originally posted by mayavi
              I get the impression that no one here really knows.

              In an attempt to resolve the various issues, I downloaded openSUSE-11.0-DVD-x86_64.iso (the 64 bit install).
              This installed openSUSE on my system in about 11 minutes with no install issues.

              This leads me to draw the following conclusions;
              1) The Kubuntu (and ubuntu) live CD (64 bit version) would appear to be sensitive to some hardware combinations.
              2) The 32 bit version of the Live CD would appear not to have the same hardware sensitivities.
              3) Someone should pull their finger out, stop pontificating and fix the problems with the Live CD 64bit distribution.
              4) When the various install issues with Kubuntu (and ubuntu) are resolved I may come back and give it another try.
              I've got the same feeling. I just posted again about my problems with 8.04.1, both 32- and 64-bit flavors. Strangely, Kubuntu 7.04 64-bit installed with absolutely no problems.

              I am hopeful that whatever is wrong with 8.04.1 will get fixed in the next major release, Intrepid Ibex. The problem could be as simple as my hardware being so new that Canonical couldn't take it into account when making Ubuntu 8.04.


                Re: kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

                I've been getting the same problem when trying to install it, except mine hangs/restarts into the Live OS (as opposed to just the install screen) at anytime, whether I've just clicked Next to copying files at xx%.
                I've tried installing from within Live too, but that doesn't work either.
                My hardware:
                AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
                Shuttle SN27P2
                2x1GB Corsair XMS2 DDR2 800
                WD 160GB with Windows XP Pro and formatted/empty WD 640GB (I assume it is in ext3 atm)
                Sapphire Radeon HD3850 256MB
                TSST DVD+/-RW SH-S182D

                I've burned it at full speed (up to 48x) and again at 8x (doesn't support 4x), and the same symptoms show up. It really doesn't appear to be a problem with the media. I'm inclined to believe there is something seriously wrong with the amd64 iso, or it's really picky. This is from the KDE4 version, btw.


                  Re: kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

                  I've seen this with AMD64 although I was installing 64 bit Kubuntu on a partitioned hard drive in a laptop. Since I dare not download using damned slow dialup, I git the CD via ShipIt.

                  I ended up using the OEM install option, and NOACP. Went in fine that way.


                    Re: kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

                    I've tried OEM and also noapic/nolapic to no avail. Don't know what noacp is; did you mean ACPI or APIC?


                      Re: kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

                      Oops - - - yes, that's what I meant.

                      How old is this system? Does the BIOS support LBA, or does it need a software solution.

                      Just a random thought.


                        Re: kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

                        It's not really old as I built it last Thanksgiving.

                        I'm pretty sure my BIOS supports LBA. Think I need to set up my drive before I can fix this?

                        edit: nvm, I chose the first guided format option during install and it actually installed. Typing from inside Kubuntu right now.
                        Doesn't really explain why it was locking up before, but I guess it doesn't matter now. Thanks though.


                          Re: kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64 hangs during partioning

                          Good to hear your up and running

                          - - - - I'm working on rebuilding my 8.04 64bit system on my laptop - - - - again!!!!

