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How do I remove KDE4 without messing up KDE3?

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    How do I remove KDE4 without messing up KDE3?

    I recently installed KDE4 on Kubuntu Hardy to try it out. Now I want to remove it, but all the instructions I have found on uninstalling it either say they might uninstall KDE3 as a side effect, or that they are instructions for Ubnutu and may not work on Kubuntu. Anyone know of a sure-fire way to remove KDE4 without bothering KDE3?

    Re: How do I remove KDE4 without messing up KDE3?

    I cannot give a how-to that will enable you to remove KDE4 without a chance of messing up KDE3, but will urge you to reconsider removing KDE4 but upgrade it to the latest KDE4.1. This one is very stable and most things seem to just work. It's not 100% glitch free but a very different desktop (usability wise) to KDE4.0.


      Re: How do I remove KDE4 without messing up KDE3?

      If you search the Forum here, there are Topics on how to remove it, if you have the install CD, it is a simple matter to re-install: format and install / to /, and mount your present /home as /home without formatting it and you will keep all your current settings, but external programs such as Firefox and Thunderbird will need re-installing.

      Other than that, if you're happy with KDE3.5.10 and don't mind keeping KDE4 but want to ignore it, simply go to ->KMenu ->System Settings ->Advanced ->Login Manager ->Administrator Mode (password) ->Convenience and enable Auto-login and Persistent.
      If you're the only user, that is....

      Good Luck.


        Re: How do I remove KDE4 without messing up KDE3?

        I should have said I'm using KDE4.1. Since I run an older PC (1.7ghz AMD Athalon, 775MB of PC133 system memory) KDE4 is much slower than 3.5.

        Also, some of the KDE4 applications have replaced the 3.5 version defaults when I'm using KDE3.5. For example, when I launch "terminal" from Katalupt, I get the KDE4 version, which I don't prefer. In fact, in most cases I prefer the 3.5 versions of the applications when running KDE3.5. If I remember correctly, when I tried to change the default terminal application back to the old one, it didn't seem to work.


          Re: How do I remove KDE4 without messing up KDE3?

          Thanks for the recommendation on using the install CD. I use to do something similar with Windows XP when I worked at a PC tech shop, but it wasn't quite as quick and easy. I've logged out and back in to KDE4.1, and I'm going to give it a second chance after all. So far it seems pretty quick, better than it was a few weeks ago when I last tried it (it's been getting updated regularly). The only thing I don't like is Firefox's appearance. Easily remedied though, so hardly worth complaining about. If I do decide to remove KDE4.1, now I know how.
          Thanks again!


            Re: How do I remove KDE4 without messing up KDE3?

            You're Welcome.

            Just out of interest, how do you change the look of Firefox? That's one of my dislikes about KDE4, almost everything is so flat.


              Re: How do I remove KDE4 without messing up KDE3?

              You can install themes. One popular one for use with kde4 is here:

              I like it a lot.


                Re: How do I remove KDE4 without messing up KDE3?

                Thank you.

