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kubuntu won't load desktop

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    kubuntu won't load desktop

    i had kubuntu working great and i installed a bunch of programs from the add remove thing. so when it finished it said that i had to reboot. great. so i did it and when the screen came back it loaded a bunch of things but then stops on a command prompt which then asks for my login and password.
    then it gives me some information about legal stuff about kubuntu and then asks me to visit for more information... and that's i'm sitting here with a command prompt, no desktop or anything.
    i have no idea what the hell this thing is doing andi need this computer to work for school so any help is greatly appreciated.

    Re: kubuntu won't load desktop

    What did you install?

    Check out my website with Kubuntu how to's:


      Re: kubuntu won't load desktop

      a lot of things, everything was gotten/removed from the add/remove program window. i can't tell you exactly what i did because i can't really load my opperating system


        Re: kubuntu won't load desktop

        This happened to me in the early days, it may well be easier to re-install, just format and install into your / directory, and mount /home as /home without formatting it.

        You will find that all your settings remain intact, but you will need to re-install any other software, Firefox, Thunderbird, etc.

        When using the Add/Remove program or Adept, it is crucial to look at the "Preview Changes" page before pressing "Apply Changes".... in my experience....


          Re: kubuntu won't load desktop

          If you log in at the prompt with your usual user/pass then type 'startx' does it give you your desktop?

          You may just have hurt KDM which should be easily fixed by reinstalling it (sudo apt-get install kdm)

