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Network in Feisty but not in Hardy [SOLVED]

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    Network in Feisty but not in Hardy [SOLVED]

    I am trying to upgrade to Hardy Heron without destroying my current installation of Feisty Fawn (7.04), because I'm happy with how I have Feisty tweaked and don't want to break anything, but am interested in seeing what advances Hardy has to offer. I have Feisty and /home on two separate partitions of the same drive (hd1), and installed Kubuntu 8.04.1 to another drive (hd0). To create a dual-boot system I copied the /home entry from the fstab in Feisty and pasted it into the one in Hardy, and copied the Ubuntu 8.04.1 entry from Hardy's grub menu.lst and pasted it into Feisty's. I can boot into Hardy, and it seems mostly to work fine: the difference between KDE 3.5.6 and 3.5.9 appears negligible. I lose a bunch of apps, but I figure they can be reinstalled.

    The two things that don't work:
    (1) there's no network connection. I have a wired ethernet connection (eth0), which Network Settings in Feisty shows as having an IP address, dhcp protocol, and enabled. In Hardy, Network Settings lists an eth0 but says it's disabled, nothing else. In Hardy the output of
    cat /etc/network/interfaces
    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    The relevant output from lspci is
    00:14.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller (rev a3)
    (2) Adept launches from the terminal (Konsole) but not from the menu. This has been mentioned in an earlier thread, but I have not seen a solution.

    Obviously, if I can't fix the network problem I can't upgrade to Hardy. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Re: Network in Feisty but not in Hardy

    Adept Manager won't run from the K Menu > System? There were some oddities where an app that required sudo to run (you were prompted for your password, yes?) that were launched from the K Menu or the Launcher (Alt+F2) would not bring up the application 'on the first try.' But, relaunching the app a second time would.

    If you can get Adept Manager up and running, check to see that you have enabled the Proprietary drivers for devices (restricted) under Adept > Manage Repositories.

    Also, check that your network device is enabled.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Network in Feisty but not in Hardy [SOLVED]

      I found the problem. The / directory didn't have the proper permissions (755), as I learned upon discovering that sudo didn't work. Something to do with the partition on which I installed Hardy, which had been used previously for another purpose, and which I didn't reformat during installation (a lesson there). I chmod'd Hardy's root from Feisty and now the network is back (I'm sending this from Hardy) and Adept launches from the menu.

      Now I just have to worry about breaking apps (like Firefox) in Feisty by installing them in Hardy and overwriting files in /home/user .


        Re: Network in Feisty but not in Hardy

        Good job! Nice to hear you got it figured out.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

