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Just installed Kubuntu/Hardy/AMD64, not really impressed

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    Just installed Kubuntu/Hardy/AMD64, not really impressed

    I've been enjoying Ubuntu since 7.04 (5.10 and 6.06 didn't impress me). It took a few hours to get the basic OS installed, to add the Nvidia drivers, install FF3 and to get CompizFusion working. So far though, I'm not too impressed by KDE (ver4, I believe).

    I had been hoping to find that KDE's UI design was a radical improvement over Gnome, but it really didn't strike me as being so much better.

    Re: Just installed Kubuntu/Hardy/AMD64, not really impressed

    Maybe we should figure out which kde you are talking about first

    Which cd did you install from??

    What doesn't "impress" you?
    The UI is completely different than gnome. Both UI's kde3 and to a larger extent kde4.

    It is supposed to be drab. So everyone can create their own desktop.

    Kde 3.5.9 in its default is not very impressive. Until you start to play with it and its configuration.

    Just experiment a little. You know right click here and there. open up system settings/ appearance.
    See what happens. Have a look at:

    There is so much material covering configuring the kde3.5.9 desktop on the net and here on this forum that I won't bore you with links.

    Abit of searching wll surely turn up something.

    As for kde4.
    That is a different subject altogether. I am sure you would notice if your login screen was black and curly and said kde 4.1.

    Personally I love it but for some people it isn't ready yet.
    Especially those who like to stick with what they are used to.

    Either way both are are highly configurable.

    Welcome to the party, even if you are not "impressed"
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: Just installed Kubuntu/Hardy/AMD64, not really impressed

      Originally posted by flarkitkf

      I had been hoping to find that KDE's UI design was a radical improvement over Gnome
      What about Gnome was unsatisfactory?


        Re: Just installed Kubuntu/Hardy/AMD64, not really impressed

        Originally posted by Fintan
        Maybe we should figure out which kde you are talking about first

        Which cd did you install from??
        I installed the AMD64 Alternate CD, which I'm pleased installed without hassles, whereas the regular Ubuntu (Gnome) AMD64 installation got to a point which I think was the "loading and selecting software", and sat there for an hour showing no further activity.

        I'd hazard a guess that it was KDE4, unless the version of Kubuntu installed the 3.5.x version of KDE?

        Now IMO, the default KDE is simply a WM that has the Start menu, along with apps like Konqueror (which I soon tossed in favour of FF3) and Dolphin (that doesn't feel as practical as *cough* Windows Explorer). Please bear in mind that I'm referring to the UI's form-and-function and not necessarily the quality of the code behind the software (where I firmly think Linux is way more robust). Instead, I'm just not happy with the ease-of-use of the UI which I experienced, after using Gnome.

        dibl: Gnome is fine as a work platform, except that I probably need to sit down and make work of things like the file explorer, which slightly irritates me by possibly losing some basic functionality in order to be different to the offerings in Windows. I know that Linux offers the freedom to use whatever suits us and I do intend to capitalise on that. This is mainly aimed at my 1st experience of KDE, having used Gnome for a few months now.

        By-the-way: after diving in and changing the login screen and the desktop appearance and customising the Compiz cube, I'm not sure how to check what version of KDE is being used. Is it simply a matter of checking what's installed in the APT package manager?

        Thanks for the welcome, I'm really still fiddling around with KDE and the AMD64 version, in order to compare my comfort-level with the standard 32-bit Gnome release of Hardy. IMHO, Ubuntu is still my flavour of choice for using Linux at home.


          Re: Just installed Kubuntu/Hardy/AMD64, not really impressed

          Now IMO, the default KDE is simply a WM that has the Start menu, along with apps like Konqueror (which I soon tossed in favour of FF3) and Dolphin (that doesn't feel as practical as *cough* Windows Explorer)
          Well, yeah -- I mean, what else are they going to put on a 700MB CD ROM for public distribution? It's kind of a "generic default" setup, hoping that 80% of the recipients will like it well enough to press on with it, I suppose.

          You got KDE 3.5.9. Verify by clicking "Help > About KDE" on Dolphin or Konqueror or Kate.

          That's fine -- KDE 4.1 isn't yet anywhere near as mature and stable as 3.5.9, so probably you're better off to stick with what you have. Unless you want a different adventure, which you can get by following this guidance to install KDE 4.1:

          Anyway, yes, you have a vast degree of customization available with KDE -- you can really set it up however you want. Don't like Dolphin in 3.5.9? Me neither. There are many other file managers out there that you can install -- being an old fart I'm happy with Krusader (looks like Win 3 File Explorer), but there's Midnight Commander and multiple others in the repositories.

          For other eye candy and things to do with KDE, you might want to just browse around at KDE org:

          It's really whatever you want to make of it -- you can make it as Gnome-like as you want, or you can push it toward Vista, appearance-wise, with the "glassy" window decorators. It's pretty much whatever you want to make of it. Take a look at the "Image Gallery" up at the top of the Forum screen, to see what other folks have done with it.

          And, OBTW, Welcome!


            Re: Just installed Kubuntu/Hardy/AMD64, not really impressed

            There can't be everything on a single CD. You have to include the most general set of programs. After that the user simply uses apt to install things specific to their needs. My opinion of KDE 3.x is that it isn't anything spectacular to look at. It functions as a window manager just fine though with enough configurable options should you need them or just plain jane if you focus more on your work than the DE.


              Re: Just installed Kubuntu/Hardy/AMD64, not really impressed

              hehehehe I'm sorry to be a Linux-Snob but compare what you get on ANY Kubuntu install with what you get on ANY Windows install... Sorry Windows falls WELL short.

              Depending on hardware it doesn't take very long to install Kubuntu. Being fairly practiced at it now, I can have my system installed and configured in 1.5 hours - that's a FULL install of every program I use with all my settings done.. from scratch. Try that with Windows... It takes me 5 hours to install Win XP Pro - which is hard to complain about because XP is very old and there are a number of updates that need to be downloaded - although you'd think that MS would have a one shot deal down load to bring XP up to snuff instead of having to do all the individual updates.. to updates to updates... lol

              Which Linux Desktop you like will depend on what you have learned and what you well..... like... I feel lost in Gnome but at home in KDE. Some people don't like KDE4 and prefer KDE3. I only used KDE3 for a couple of years so it's not my life's experience.. so KDE4 was easy for me to accept.

              I have Vista installed for my audio work and always wonder why anyone would upgrade to it. It's nice, nicer than what people say about it... but it doesn't compare to KDE4 at all.. and it's EXPENSIVE and closed.

              Sorry this is getting long and all about "ME".... as the others have suggested are there particular things that you have complaints about? Maybe we could help with them. But if you thought someone might convince you to like KDE or Kubuntu... and I hope that's not your intention... you'll likely have to look elsewhere.



                Re: Just installed Kubuntu/Hardy/AMD64, not really impressed

                Originally posted by dibl
                or you can push it toward Vista, appearance-wise, with the "glassy" window decorators.
                You mean Vista has glassy effects?

                I've been using a clear title-bar since i first found the way to do it - shortly after installing Kubuntu.
                It must be cool if Vista copied it. 8)


                  Re: Just installed Kubuntu/Hardy/AMD64, not really impressed

                  Wow... I don't know how anyone could not be impressed with KDE4. It is so hell-bent on letting everyone customize everything. If you don't like customization - I guess you wouldn't like. But who doesn't like customization? It's wonderful. My desktop doesn't look like his, hers, or yours. It looks like what I want it too. KDE4's widgets are wonderful. The integration of OSX widgets, and Superkaramba widgets is a BIG plus. Being able to fully swap / customize any widget is a great feature, too.

                  I can install Kubuntu in about 15 minutes on my AMD64 machine. If I save my /home partition, I can be fully online like normal in around an hour or so. That means full functionality.. everything installed, working to my preferences.

