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<SOLVED> Adept PM keeps crashing

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    <SOLVED> Adept PM keeps crashing

    Hi, this is my first time on the forums so I hope I am doing this right.
    I am using Kubuntu 64bit and just recently started having problems. When I try to run Adept for updates it crashes when I log in as root. The message I get from the backtrace is this...

    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
    [New Thread 0x7fae214e86f0 (LWP 7082)]
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    [KCrash handler]
    #5 0x00000000004a6da3 in ?? ()
    #6 0x00000000004b79b0 in ?? ()
    #7 0x00000000004b474b in ?? ()
    #8 0x00000000004a1bd5 in ?? ()
    #9 0x00000000004a2535 in ?? ()
    #10 0x00000000004a2f98 in ?? ()
    #11 0x000000000049f876 in ?? ()
    #12 0x000000000043466e in ?? ()
    #13 0x0000000000435539 in ?? ()
    #14 0x000000000043567c in ?? ()
    #15 0x00007fae1e2e4fd0 in QObject::activate_signal ()
    from /usr/lib/
    #16 0x00007fae1e65d181 in QSignal::signal () from /usr/lib/
    #17 0x00007fae1e3031a3 in QSignal::activate () from /usr/lib/
    #18 0x00007fae1e30a9e4 in QSingleShotTimer::event ()
    from /usr/lib/
    #19 0x00007fae1e27d33a in QApplication::internalNotify ()
    from /usr/lib/
    #20 0x00007fae1e27f093 in QApplication::notify () from /usr/lib/
    #21 0x00007fae1f59a40d in KApplication::notify ()
    from /usr/lib/
    #22 0x00007fae1e20e20e in QApplication::sendEvent ()
    from /usr/lib/
    #23 0x00007fae1e270abc in QEventLoop::activateTimers ()
    from /usr/lib/
    #24 0x00007fae1e223107 in QEventLoop:rocessEvents ()
    from /usr/lib/
    #25 0x00007fae1e2975bf in QEventLoop::enterLoop () from /usr/lib/
    #26 0x00007fae1e2972ab in QEventLoop::exec () from /usr/lib/
    #27 0x00007fae1e27ee00 in QApplication::exec () from /usr/lib/
    #28 0x0000000000432d6c in ?? ()
    #29 0x00007fae1a2861c4 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/
    #30 0x0000000000432af9 in ?? ()
    #31 0x00007fff29515288 in ?? ()
    #32 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()

    I tried some of the things I read on the forum boards such as...
    sudo --configure -a
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade

    none of these seem to solve my problem. when I do the apt-get update I get another error that reads...

    Err hardy Release.gpg
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy/main Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy/restricted Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy/universe Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy/multiverse Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy-updates Release.gpg
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy-updates/main Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy-updates/restricted Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy-updates/universe Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy-updates/multiverse Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy-security Release.gpg
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy-security/main Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy-security/restricted Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy-security/universe Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy-security/multiverse Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy Release.gpg
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy/partner Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy/(Source Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy/Code) Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy Release.gpg
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy/free Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Err hardy/non-free Translation-en_US
    Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
    Reading package lists... Done
    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Failed to fetch Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)

    W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
    W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
    &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.

    Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

    First, welcome!

    Can you post your /etc/apt/sources.list file for review?
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

      here is my etc/apt/sources.list

      # deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release amd64 (20071016.1)]/ gutsy main restricted
      # See for how to upgrade to
      # newer versions of the distribution.

      deb hardy main restricted
      deb-src hardy main restricted

      ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
      ## distribution.
      deb hardy-updates main restricted
      deb-src hardy-updates main restricted

      ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
      ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
      ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
      ## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security
      ## team.
      deb hardy universe
      deb-src hardy universe
      deb hardy-updates universe
      deb-src hardy-updates universe

      ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
      ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
      ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
      ## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu
      ## security team.
      deb hardy multiverse
      deb-src hardy multiverse
      deb hardy-updates multiverse
      deb-src hardy-updates multiverse

      ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'
      ## repository.
      ## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
      ## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
      ## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
      ## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
      ## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
      # deb gutsy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
      # deb-src gutsy-backports main restricted universe multiverse

      ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's
      ## 'partner' repository. This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is
      ## offered by Canonical and the respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu
      ## users.
      # deb gutsy partner
      # deb-src gutsy partner

      deb hardy-security main restricted
      deb-src hardy-security main restricted
      deb hardy-security universe
      deb-src hardy-security universe
      deb hardy-security multiverse
      deb-src hardy-security multiverse
      deb hardy partner
      deb hardy partner (Source Code)
      deb hardy free non-free

      hopefully this will help. Thanks.
      &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


        Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

        The file looks fine. Are you able to get to the Internet with Konqueror? Is this your home PC or are you at work, and behind a firewall??
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

          I am able to get to the internet with both Konqueror and Firefox.
          This is my home pc but, I do have Firestarter running as my firewall.
          &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


            Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

            Has Adept worked 'normally' prior to this issue?
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

              yeah, it use to work fine.
              I tried stopping my firewall and it still does not want to fetch the updates.
              &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


                Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

                Hmm. Well, let's eliminate the possibility that available space on your system isn't a contributor. Open a console and type:
                df -hTxtmpfs
                Copy and paste the output.
                Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                  Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

                  ok, this is what I got

                  Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                  /dev/sda1 ext3 362G 6.3G 337G 2% /
                  &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


                    Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

                    Way more than ample space on the system.

                    Can you remember when the last time that Adept worked correctly, and if possible, what was done after that - program installs/uninstalls, package updates, ...
                    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

                      I would say maybe a week to two weeks ago.
                      I think the only thing I have installed since then was a music player for
                      &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


                        Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

                        And how long has your firewall been up and running? Was it installed and setup prior to your current problem with Adept?
                        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                          Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

                          I've had the firewall running since I built my new system.
                          I am wondering if it is a problem with the player.
                          I uninstalled it with Synaptic but it is still showing up in my Kmenu.
                          &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


                            Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

                            Go ahead and perform a shutdown/restart. Check Adept again after you are logged back in.
                            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                              Re: Adept PM keeps crashing

                              ok, did a restart and Adept still does not want to fetch the updates.
                              &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.

