I've spent a few hours trying everything I can think of, to no avail. In /media, there is NO SDA1 device (or whatever it's called). I cannot read files in my windows partition.
At installation, I clearly specified SDA1 - also clearly marked as NTSF - "windows". I don't see how I could have made it clearer. Kubuntu won't recognize it. The partition's there - I'm in it right now, and all's well.
Is there someway I can get SDA1 to be visible in my Kubuntu install. I've googled for this, and searched the forum archives, but not come up with anything.
Thanks for any help.
At installation, I clearly specified SDA1 - also clearly marked as NTSF - "windows". I don't see how I could have made it clearer. Kubuntu won't recognize it. The partition's there - I'm in it right now, and all's well.
Is there someway I can get SDA1 to be visible in my Kubuntu install. I've googled for this, and searched the forum archives, but not come up with anything.
Thanks for any help.