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Laptop Freezes When Installing (K)Ubuntu 8.04

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    Laptop Freezes When Installing (K)Ubuntu 8.04

    My laptop was running kubuntu 7.10 fine when I stupidly decided to upgrade to Ubuntu 8.04. Downloaded the alternate 386 iso and burned it and checked the cd is valid, then reformatted my / partition. Install starts Ok but at 6% base system install it freezes. Burned another Cd and same result. Tried with my kubuntu 8.04 CD that I used to install in my desktop and still it will freeze. Tried other options when installing like no=acpi but it cannot go past6% base system install. Hooked up the laptop to an external monitor and the install progress until select & install software then freeze at 36%. Unfortunately i erased my kubuntu 7.10 and replaced with 8.04 so cannot evn go back. Now I've run out of ideas and asking for options. BTW the laptop has 1gig ram with 25 GB (partitioned /, /home,swap)available to install Ubuntu.

    Re: Laptop Freezes When Installing (K)Ubuntu 8.04

    I run 6.06 on my laptop and the same thing happens to me when I try to upgrade.

    That aside, you might want to think about staying with 7.10 for awhile, that way you know you have a working version to use while messing with 8.04 from time to time until you find your answer. Speaking of which, you might want to upgrade to 2gb of ram because 8.04 runs a lot better on it, and that might be your problem.

    Hope this helps, and that you find your answer.
    The early bird might get the worm, but it's the second mouse who always gets the cheese.


      Re: Laptop Freezes When Installing (K)Ubuntu 8.04

      Ok. Ive downloaded Ubuntu 7.10 alternate and managed to install it even though it took quite a while to complete. Reading over in Ubuntu forums it seems to be an issue with laptops ranging from Acer (like mine) to Sony Viaos and must be software implementation in 8.04. Anyway i'll now try get my wireless working then upgrade to 8.04.

