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Newbie Question About Updating KDE

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    Newbie Question About Updating KDE

    Running the remix HH (with KDE4.01). Is there an easy way of moving to 4.1 beta without hosing the entire installation? The current installation is running very well.

    Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

    > Kubuntu.Org > KDE 4.1 Beta 2
    KDE 4.1 Beta 2 has been released and packages are available for Kubuntu 8.04, the Hardy Heron. These packages install to /usr/lib/kde4 and can be installed along side your existing KDE 3 installation.


    This is a beta quality package and may prove to be unstable at times. This release will allow you to follow closely with what is going on in the KDE 4.1 branch.


    It is still beta;
    This is a beta release. Pre-release versions of programs are NOT encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or for anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent, breakage. Pre-release versions of programs ARE recommended for developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs.
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

      Jumping into this thread -

      I upgraded to Hardy last night - it went very very smoothly. I was amazed and delighted. It only blew up two of my critical program - Thunderbird and my vitally important jEdit text editor. After about 5 hours work, it's all back.

      Now, I've installed KDE4, as instructed at

      And....[long pause] I supposed to be born knowing what to do next? Or could someone tell me, 'cause I don't get it. I rebooted, thinking I'd be given some choices (I do get it that kde 3 and 4 now coexist on my system). Nothing new appeared - no new choices - just a normal boot. Actually this seems pretty much the norm for Linux, in my limited experience. Install a program and watch it sink out of sight. Fast. Then fish around a while trying to figure out what happened and why everyone but you seems to know what to do. It's always bewildering to me, and is now.

      I would, indeed, appreciate being given that clue which I obvious do not now possess. I'd like to know how to CHOOSE which KDE I'm running, and whether or not it's possible to switch back and forth in mid-flight, so to speak.



        Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

        At the login menu (KDM) there will be a "menu" pull down. Click on it and it will give you several options. Click on "Session Type" and then choose KDE4 you'll boot into KDE4 and Bob will be your Uncle - even if you don't like him. He does seem to get passed around a fair ammount...

        The page you link to doesn't show it, but when I downloaded the KDE4 Remix yesterday I had to go past a page that showed the remix is only community supported. They are making the KDE4 version of Kubuntu available for people who want to try and test it - not as product for customers.

        I know how frustrating it can be to make the switch from Windows to Linux. It really is a different world. But think about how many times you've had a question about how to get Windows to work.. was someone from MS there to help you? How much searching on the net did it take to get help? Was there even a solution in existence? Did MS admit there was even a problem?

        The power of Open Source to produce an incredibly stable OS is that it is open. Depending on your attitude, and the group chhoose to interact with.

        OK salesmanship now... this group of people is small but fun and REALLY helpful. It's because of these forums that I stick with Kubuntu. I think there are better distros available.. and Kubuntu often feels like the illegitament son of Ubuntu that gets neglected BUT the people here are ALWAYS willing to experiment and help.

        A couple of guys here are so willing to help that they'll break their own install trying to figure out how to help someone who needs it.



          Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

          Appreciate your thoughts about Linux. I've been on board now for several months, actually. My upgrade was from Gutsy to Hardy. AND I agree with everything you said in your "sales" pitch. In spite of the (expected) troubles and challenges, I'm SO much more comfortable in the Linux world. You're also quite right about the helpfulness of the community. It continues to amaze me. I've spoken to a number of people about this - and pointed out that I know of few better demonstrations of the goodness of our species - people helping just to be helpful. The perfect antidote to the annoying fact of the existence of sociopathic adolescent "crackers".

          As for my KDE4 problem - there IS no such menu as you (and one other helpful person) has described to me. I didn't install the Kubuntu + KDE4 flavor ("community supported"), but rather the regular (KDE 3.9x) flavor, then added KDE4 on top of that. The option menu SHOULD be there, but isn't.

          I've been working on an Internet connectivity problem with my Kubuntu, and will need to resolve that before returning to the KDE4 issue, which isn't exactly as pressing.

          Tks again for your thoughts.


            Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

            How did you add KDE4 to your system? Back in February, I did this too, after reading/following comments posted by claydoh in this post.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

              Sorry I have not been able to get back to the forum work has been crazy.

              I'm surprised the menu is not there. That means something actually IS broken. If you can get into a prompt or into Adept try to reinstall kde-kde4

              sudo apt-get install kdm-kde4

              Hope this helps... I'm not really sure it will though.



                Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

                It didn't, sadly. KDE4 boot option still not visible.


                  Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

                  If it's not much trouble can you take a picture of your KDM?



                    Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

                    Uh...."KDM"? Sorry, but I don't know the acronym. Would that be the bootup screen, where the KDE4 menu item is supposed to be?


                      Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

                      Would that be the bootup screen, where the KDE4 menu item is supposed to be?
                      In a word, yes
                      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                      4 GB Ram
                      Kubuntu 18.10


                        Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

                        Hmmm. I kinda thought so. Am I the only one who sees the apparent absurdity of getting this screenshot? It seemst that prior to full initiation of the OS, I need to get an application program to execute, so I can get a screenshot. And I might do that...HOW?

                        All I can imagine doing is shooting my computer screen with my digital camera, then sending along that photo image. Should work.

                        Is there a better way?


                          Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

                          See Re: [SOLVED - Simple How To Attached] Screenshot of Login Screen? - XDMCP
                          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                            Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

                            Originally posted by tomcloyd
                            Hmmm. I kinda thought so. Am I the only one who sees the apparent absurdity of getting this screenshot? It seemst that prior to full initiation of the OS, I need to get an application program to execute, so I can get a screenshot. And I might do that...HOW?

                            All I can imagine doing is shooting my computer screen with my digital camera, then sending along that photo image. Should work.

                            Is there a better way?
                            I think using a digital camera would be fine. I'd love to be able to see what you are seeing. It may lead to nothing but what I'm HOPING is that it will spark someone's memory.



                              Re: Newbie Question About Updating KDE

                              Does it look something like this?
                              Attached Files
                              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                              4 GB Ram
                              Kubuntu 18.10

