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Quistions about minimum requirement

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    Quistions about minimum requirement

    hi i have pc with 2Gb cpu and 128 RD Ram "no way to increase it" and vga 32. i want to know if i could install kubuntu 8.04? ubuntu 8.04? and what about ubuntu server? i want to test ubuntu server and add Desktop to it i guess Kde or X can I do this with only 128 Ram?

    im not going to install all of them but i'll pick one

    Re: Quistions about minimum requirement

    You might get it to work with Xubuntu, but even so, you'll have to use a shoe horn to get it in. Even if you get it to work, you'll be so limited it's not worth the trouble.

    I'd set the machine aside for some special purpose, such as a firewall/router with Smoothwall (I run that just fine on a P1 with 32 MB memory).


      Re: Quistions about minimum requirement

      u mean i have to download xubuntu and try it ? or install server edition and install xfce ? and there no way to for kubuntu edition am i right?


        Re: Quistions about minimum requirement

        Given that your requirements are just on the limits of what will work, I would keep it as clean as possible, which means download Xubuntu. Also, note that you will have to use the text mode installer, as the graphical installer needs 192 MB. It will run with XFCE as a desktop with no problems, though.

        However, be aware that you are skirting the limits. More or less no matter which programs you run, you'll run out of memory and performance will drop drastically.

        Running Kubuntu is probably out of the question.

        Really, doublecheck that it's not possible to add some memory. I can't believe a machine, even if fairly old, is limited to 128 MB. Ask at a small computer workshop, they usually have a box of "things that are probably too old to be useful, but I don't really want to throw it away" that might have exactly what you need.

