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Failed check sums...

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    Failed check sums...


    I am quite new to linux as a whole and had some help from a friend of mine who recommended kubuntu as a distribution. This all started when my XP MCE got it last hick-up and I just got tired of it all... hopefully this marks the end of my bsod's!

    However. When i download Hardy Heron or Dapper (and I mean i have tried both KDE 3 and 4) both live-CD's, desktop-CD's and alternate CD's. I get a check sum error on the CD's and they won't install...

    Got my disk partitioned and all. Just need a CD without check sum error. Is this a common problem or is it just me? Even tried to download same file several times, and from different browsers.

    Hope there's an answer out there for me!


    Re: Failed check sums...

    Like other Linux Live CD distributions, *buntu uses a very high compression to make the ISO image, and to be successful you have to burn it at a slow speed, on good quality blank media.

    So, set your burning software to 4X, and if you still get a bad CD burn, you'll have to find better media. There's some crap out there (at Staples, for example).

    EDIT: First make sure your downloaded ISO image has the right md5sum, of course.

