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Kubuntu Hardy Ready for My Granddaughter?

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    Kubuntu Hardy Ready for My Granddaughter?

    I bought my wife a new laptop and am planning to pass the old Dell down to my middle-school-age granddaughter. The machine has WinXP and had Kubuntu Gutsy until I just installed Hardy in the former's reformatted partition.

    Things are working pretty good, except when it's time to quit. For example, if you choose the Restart option, the shutdown process goes to where it says "Will now restart." Instead of restarting, it just hangs at that point. Use of the "Turn computer off" option goes similarly to "Will now halt," where it hangs. The computer can only be turned off by holding in the power button a long time. I could put up with that nuisance, but I can't ask her to do so. Is there a fix for this?

    I haven't spent hours with forum and wiki searches about this issue, and I guess I could be flamed for that failure. I seldom have good results with such searches, and I currently don't have the time to give. It will take all the time I have to set up the system with various customizations to make it a useful system.

    I sure hope I'm not going to have to give her an XP system!

    Lane Lester
    The Web Doctor

    Re: Kubuntu Hardy Ready for My Granddaughter?

    First of, you might really want to think about just wiping everything and do a fresh install. Anyway, I found this. It might help your situation. I'll see if I can find more on this particular possible fix.

    FYI I also fixed my shutdown problem by adding "acpi=force" in my /boot/grub/menu.lst file. It seems we are well synchronized


      Re: Kubuntu Hardy Ready for My Granddaughter?

      This says something similar @ end of thread:

      This here shows where in menu.lst to add that line:

      If that doesn't work try changing it to "acpi=off", although I read several places that tends to disable USB. Don't know if true though.


        Re: Kubuntu Hardy Ready for My Granddaughter?

        Thanks for all the suggestions and links, guys.

        I tried adding "acpi=force" in my /boot/grub/menu.lst, but that didn't help. I'm downloading an 8.04.1 Kubuntu that I'm going to install in hopes that the .1 includes a fix.

        Lane Lester
        The Web Doctor


          Re: Kubuntu Hardy Ready for My Granddaughter?

          Well, I'm tossing in the towel. Kathy's going to get stuck with Windows XP.

          With 8.04.1/KDE4 there's no shutdown bug, but KDE4 is too buggy itself to use.

          With 8.04.1/KDE3 there's the shutdown bug, and acpi=force doesn't fix it.

          It evidently affects only some computers, because I installed 8.04.1/KDE3 on my own machine in hopes of sharing an OS with Kathy. Mine shuts down just fine.

          Lane Lester
          The Web Doctor

