After a failed installation of a network printer my printer is no longer accessible.
Error message:
Unable to retrieve the printer list. Error message received from manager:
Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is correctly installed and running. Error: /var/run/cups/cups.sock: read failed (14).
"cups.sock" does not exist.
Attempted to sudo apt-get install cupsys cupsys-client
Failed with 'sudo: unable to resolve host pj' and the affirmation that cupsys is already installed and the latest version.
In the process of installing the network printer I renamed the computer 'pj' from a previous name that I forgot unfortunately.
Error log for cups shows that the IP for server 'pj' cannot be found.
Printer Wizard does not elp because all options are grayed out.
Now what?
Error message:
Unable to retrieve the printer list. Error message received from manager:
Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is correctly installed and running. Error: /var/run/cups/cups.sock: read failed (14).
"cups.sock" does not exist.
Attempted to sudo apt-get install cupsys cupsys-client
Failed with 'sudo: unable to resolve host pj' and the affirmation that cupsys is already installed and the latest version.
In the process of installing the network printer I renamed the computer 'pj' from a previous name that I forgot unfortunately.
Error log for cups shows that the IP for server 'pj' cannot be found.
Printer Wizard does not elp because all options are grayed out.
Now what?