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8.04 KDE 4 remix fails to install - RESOLVED

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    8.04 KDE 4 remix fails to install - RESOLVED

    Hi there guys,

    I decided to replace my longstanding Fedora OS and thought I'd try Kubuntu, but it's been a rough start so far

    I downloaded 8.04 KDE 4 remix and burnt it to disc. On startup the first time, I ran the cd check and it passed. Second startup, I chose install, it ran through the splash screen, showed a few SQUASHFS errors, never asked me a question and dropped me into a graphical login. Not having a login, I restarted.

    Second restart, it showed more SQUASHFS errors, then froze while in text mode.

    Third restart, it scrolled these errors until I forced it to shut down.

    Removing the disc got me back to Fedora, so nothing was done to the drive.

    What's the deal? I can't seem to find any install documentation and my searches have gotten me nowhere thus far. Help would be greatly appreciated!


    Re: 8.04 KDE 4 remix fails to install

    Probably a bad blank CD, or else a bad burn.

    Burn it again, at 4X. Use DAO mode if you have it.

    The image is way compressed, and very picky about the quality of the burned ISO.


      Re: 8.04 KDE 4 remix fails to install

      Hey there dibl,

      Sorry for what is probably an ignorant question, but what good is the cd check if the cd check doesn't check the cd?



        Re: 8.04 KDE 4 remix fails to install

        It probably did check out fine the first go around, which would lead me to believe bad media. I've seen this numerous times. It isn't that the burn didn't go well its that the "layer" being burned isn't ideal. Bad media, after so many passes of the laser, tend to degrade. At times very quickly. I agree with Dibl. See if you can find media that is of relatively high quality and burn again.


          Re: 8.04 KDE 4 remix fails to install

          Thanks very much for the replies, everyone. It looks like I may have to give Kubuntu a miss, as I can't seem to get it to successfully install. The last burn got me to 26% of an install, then failed. Inversely, I have successfully installed 5 other flavors (Fedora, mint, ubuntu & ubuntu studio) in the last two days using the same machine and media, so I think I've ruled out media or hardware.

          The iso may be off( I can't be sure because no hashes were provided by the devs) but due to b/w restrictions, I can't afford to download the .iso again.



            Re: 8.04 KDE 4 remix fails to install

            Hey, looks like 6th time's the charm! At 8x and with verification on, I managed to install it!

            thanks very much for your help & suggestions.



              Re: 8.04 KDE 4 remix fails to install - RESOLVED

              I had many problems with the KDE4 remix install as well. The check cd reported no errors, but the installation would fail every time with different discs on low speed. Then I resorted to the Alternate CD and it worked the first time.
              The Nomad's Land - some Linux humor too


                Re: 8.04 KDE 4 remix fails to install - RESOLVED

                Hey there nomad,

                It's the most problematic install I've ever had, as I normally have very good luck with the disc. I eventually got it installed however my warm fuzzy was short lived with problems with nvidia drivers and dualhead setup. I've reinserted the Fedora drives and will wait until KDE 4 is ready for prime time.



                  Re: 8.04 KDE 4 remix fails to install - RESOLVED

                  Nvidia drivers have nothing to do with KDE. Ubuntu should be using the same drivers as Fedore. Have you used Envy?
                  The Nomad's Land - some Linux humor too


                    Re: 8.04 KDE 4 remix fails to install - RESOLVED

                    I didn't say they did. KDE 4 is quite popular in the support threads of people looking for dualhead help. As for the drivers, many are having problems with the latest kernel when using the nvidia drivers.

                    I did use Envy to install them.


