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Installer hangs on manual partition- 6.06.1 remix

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    Installer hangs on manual partition- 6.06.1 remix

    I've installed Heron installed on my pc, it installed and works OK, but I decided to completely replace it with the kubuntu/kde4 remix, instead of doing an upgrade.

    I downloaded kubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso, burned it to a cd, and it boots as a live cd.

    I click on the Install icon, and go through the steps to step 5.
    It says "scanning disk", then "detecting file systems".

    It finds:
    dev/hdc Ide2 master (has xp fat32 partitions)
    dev/hde Ide3 master (more xp fat32 partitions)
    dev/hdg Ide4 master (ext3, swap, fat32, and nt partitions)

    I have the ubuntu I want to replace on dev/hdg, with partitions for boot, swap, root, and home- I'm trying to write over them.

    If I pick to partition manually, it gets info about dev/hde partitions, then goes to a screen that says "prepare partitions" with a grey bar at the top, blank space in the middle, and a message to make sure to allocate space at the bottom. Nothing else, and if I hit "next" it hangs up.

    If I pick dev/hdg, it still gets info on the dev/hde partitions(wrong drive!) then goes to the screen with the grey bar and hangs.

    Any ideas? I hate to have to download the alternate install cd- I'm on dialup and have to go to the library to download another iso.

    Re: Installer hangs on manual partition- 6.06.1 remix

    Originally posted by cdf
    I've installed Heron installed on my pc, it installed and works OK, but I decided to completely replace it with the kubuntu/kde4 remix, instead of doing an upgrade.

    I downloaded kubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso, burned it to a cd, and it boots as a live cd.
    kubuntu-6.06 is Dapper Drake, are you aware of that? Was it your intent to replace Hardy Heron (8.04) with Dapper Drake, or were you wanting to replace Hardy running KDE 3.5.9 with Hardy running KDE 4 (the remix CD)?
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Installer hangs on manual partition- 6.06.1 remix

      Ha! Thanks! I clicked on the remix download link, and scrolled down to the "United States" mirrors without noticing that there were three different versions on the page.

      I'm trying to download the iso at a public library that cuts me off after an hour, so I was trying to hurry.

