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Guide: How To Backup Operating Systems

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    Guide: How To Backup Operating Systems

    I have posted a new Wikibooks guide "How To Backup Operating Systems"...

    This guide extends on the information in the older guide here...

    Comments and suggestions are welcome. I would also appreciate feedback on whether the guide successfully applies to Windows Vista, because I (thankfully) have no experience with that OS. AFAIK, its methods should apply.
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    Re: Guide: How To Backup Operating Systems

    You might consider putting this notice also in the Documentation > How To section. Either make a new topic or tack it on as a notice to an existing topic on backups. Just a suggestion, as it might get lost here. If you are into this subject, you could start a new topic and keep building on it over time as some of us have done.
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: Guide: How To Backup Operating Systems

      Thanks for the suggestion! Somehow I hadn't noticed this board had that section.
      Check out my blog for useful scripts and tips...


        Re: Guide: How To Backup Operating Systems

        I'm not sure where the rules are posted for How-To's, but basically, some how-to writers prefer that people NOT post specific, user, implementation questions in their how-to thread. Some how-to writers do not mind if their thread develops with lots of specific user questions. I believe you have the choice whether to move certain posts made under your topic. It's up to you. For example, on my GRUB how-to's, I prefer people post questions back here in the “regular” forum topics. That way it's clean, straight GRUB facts/methods. But sometimes it's nice to get feedback posts from your peers, thanking you, commenting, adding a new reference, or bringing a new method/fact to your attention. But on my Live Persistent Kubuntu Flash drive how-to, I like people to post their experiences there so I can learn, so others can learn more, and so we can see what's working and what's not—it is more an experimental topic, even possibly with bugs! So reader feedback is nice.

        It's all up to you, but I just thought I'd bring the issues to your attention. Your topic is a good one (as we've exchanged previously, and as you've noticed many posts about it), and we all could use some good backup ideas. It's a good topic for you to manage and develop if you so wish ...
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          Re: Guide: How To Backup Operating Systems


          I tend to prefer the dialogue - I think everyone learns a lot that way (including me). And if one person has a question or problem chances are others do.

          I find this is a somewhat neglected topic - a comprehensive backup plan that works is a real time- and worry-saver. Thanks for your input. And I'm not always around so please feel free to jump in. That's also why I did it as a wiki.

          I know it took me awhile to get a handle on just what grub was up to!
          Check out my blog for useful scripts and tips...


            Re: Guide: How To Backup Operating Systems

            if you want a really good backup for all of your hard drive including your "MBR"
            (in order to save "grub" configuration ) you can use "DD"

            here is how

