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LiveCD and data recovery???

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    LiveCD and data recovery???

    I have seen on the net all kind of claims that one can recover data from a problematic harddrive by using a Linux liveCD. However, when booting with a kubuntu dvd none of my two harddrives are mounted. They show up of course, but there is no data access.

    My question is: How can one then recover data (lets say via K3b burning) when booted with a kubuntu livedvd?

    One drive is formated ext3 and the other ntfs.

    PS. I remember that a while ago I tried a mandriva liveCD and there was access to the harddrives. I actually downloaded an iso from the net and then burned it with k3b (mandriva 2008)

    Re: LiveCD and data recovery

    I do it all the time, using Kubuntu Live CD:

    Using your Kubuntu Live CD,
    Have you tried (in the live session):

    K > System Settings
    Disk & Filesystems
    Administrator Mode (lower right)
    Highlight the USB drive partition
    Mount point (e.g., if the device is /dev/sdc1, set the mount point as /media/sdc1)
    Click so any user can do anything at any time.
    Come back out to Disk & Filesystems
    and click Enable
    then Quit
    And see if it's somewhere (Desktop and/or in Konqueror -> Storage Media)
    Worst case: find it and right-click and then Mount.

    At the command line, assuming the partition is seen as sda1,
    make a folder called /media/sda1 and mount the device sda1 on that folder, all as root using sudo:
    K > Konsole
    sudo mkdir /media/sda1
    sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1

    (for various mounting statements and options, see the Filesystem & Mounting page here:
    Bigpond, home: )

    Sometimes you'll see the partition in Storage Media, then right-click, then Mount, but it won't go; in that case, first do the Disk & Filesystems routine above.

    -- - - -

    Everything you do must be done with root privileges, using sudo.

    To open Konqueror as root:
    K > Konsole
    kdesu konqueror

    - - - - -

    Knoppix is a classic rescue disk--it has its quirks, but it works and it mounts and it (almost always) gets along with your hardware.

    But you can get your Kubuntu Live CD to do this

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: LiveCD and data recovery

      I'll drop this for you to file away:
      Data Rescue
      (also see the link provided by Rog131 in a Reply)
      This is not quite relevant to your current project, but might come in handy in the future.

      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Re: LiveCD and data recovery

        QQmike, thanks a lot for your excellent directions. I preffer the Kubuntu liveDVD since I am a recent windows convert and with Kubuntus (or KDE) i now my way around a bit.

        I will give it a try the first thing when I get home.


