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Big Problem - Ibook G3 Clamshell

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    Big Problem - Ibook G3 Clamshell

    Hi, here is my story

    I recieve an ibook g3 with Maos9 in french. I dont speak french and i dont had the macos9 in spanish (my native language). I decided to install Kubuntu

    Using the Desktop cd, start de live cd and proceed to install. After all installation, the resolution was wrong. The bottom Half of the screen was displayed in the top, and the top one in the bottom.

    I reboot, and then appear the error of "cannot access to the system clock..." and i cannot access to the GUI, but to the terminal i can.

    I try to reset the pram, set the current date (the system battery (and the normal battery) are burned, and the system change the date to 1903)
    And nothing. After all, i got the MAcos9 Spanish, and i proceed to install it, but the yaboot dont let me.

    Start the mac, pressing C to boot from CD. The white screen appears *O*... and then the yaboot T_T . Yaboot let me boot from CD o Linux. If a choose CD, appears an error , something like "CATCH CAUGHT <mode>"

    And i dont know what to do! T_T.. i have my ibook dead. I have the macos , but cant install it. I dont know how to remove the yaboot or how can i boot from the cd without having the "Catch caught" error. I dont have any GUI, only terminal.

    Can everyone help me?
    Thanks in advance