I have a Micromaxx laptop with a SIS graphical M650?? video card in it. (K)ubuntu either other Linuxdistro's NEVER detected my card on a proper way and the computer crashes when I start X with the automatically detected driver.
Usually I installed my laptop with the alternate text version and I edit the xorg.conf myself en set the display driver to VESA and I have Kubuntu working.
Now I see with the so called new bullit proof installer I cannot set my xorg.conf settings myself, because I didn' t see the video driver anymore. So I cannot change the SiS driver to vesa any more.
I also tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but this won't solve the problem.
Can someone learns me how to switch off the bullit proofmode and gives me the command line tools as I got in Kubuntu 7.04 or tells me how to set the graphic driver to VESA.
Usually I installed my laptop with the alternate text version and I edit the xorg.conf myself en set the display driver to VESA and I have Kubuntu working.
Now I see with the so called new bullit proof installer I cannot set my xorg.conf settings myself, because I didn' t see the video driver anymore. So I cannot change the SiS driver to vesa any more.
I also tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but this won't solve the problem.
Can someone learns me how to switch off the bullit proofmode and gives me the command line tools as I got in Kubuntu 7.04 or tells me how to set the graphic driver to VESA.